iReader - Novels, Romance Stories Competitive Intelligence|Ad Analysis by SocialPeta
Competitive intelligence is the first step in our marketing intelligence work and one of the most important parts. Only when we understand the details of our competitors can we formulate a correct and effective marketing strategy.
In this report, SocialPeta analyzes the iReader - Novels, Romance Stories's ad analysis from multiple aspects and helps you see the competitive intelligence of top grossing apps iReader - Novels, Romance Stories.
Now, I'll tell you how to gain a competitive advantage by SocialPeta.
1. Basic Information of iReader - Novels, Romance Stories
App Name : iReader - Novels, Romance Stories

OS : Android
Network : Facebook,Audience Network,Instagram
Developer : iReader Inc.
Publisher : Instagram,Facebook,Treehouse Table,YouCam Nails - Manicure Salon for Custom Nail Art,Text Free: WiFi Calling App ,Tandem Language Exchange: Speak & learn languages
Total creative ads during the time period : 10,000
Duration : 999
Popularity : 1,298,742
Check ASO Keywords of iReader - Novels, Romance Stories
2. iReader - Novels, Romance Stories’s Competitive Intelligence
what is competitive intelligence? Competitive intelligence is the most important part of our marketing. Only when we fully understand the overall situation of our competitors and the market can we make accurate judgments.
Before advertising, we usually use various tools, such as SocialPeta, to check the details of competitors' ads. In this report, we will analyze the recent advertising performance of advertiser iReader - Novels, Romance Stories in detail to understand its advertising strategy.
Trend of Category
There are many types of creatives. We mainly analyze the trend of the ad creative category of iReader - Novels, Romance Stories in the recent period. As of 2021-03-15, among the iReader - Novels, Romance Stories‘s ad creative, the Html category's proportion is 0.0%, Video category's proportion is 45.0%, Playable Ads category's proportion is 0.0%, Image category's proportion is 55.0%, Carousel category's proportion is 0.0%.
Ad Network Analysis
The network that SocialPeta monitors can cover almost all mainstream channels in the world. Understanding the competitor's advertising channels is the first step in marketing work. According to the analysis of SocialPeta, we can see that in the date of 2021-03-15, iReader - Novels, Romance Stories's the proportion of networks impressions are placed like this:
Facebook's proportion is 31.77%,
Instagram's proportion is 23.8%,
Audience Network's proportion is 22.22%,
Messenger's proportion is 22.21%,
's proportion is .
In the date of 2021-03-15, iReader - Novels, Romance Stories‘s network with the most ads is Facebook and its proportion is 27.75%.
3. Top 3 Ad Creative Analysis of iReader - Novels, Romance Stories
This is the detailed information of the top three ad creatives with the best performance among all ad creatives of iReader - Novels, Romance Stories. We can see some advertising trends.
Top 1 Ad Creative of iReader - Novels, Romance Stories
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Headline :▶Click to install and continue reading✅
Text :■ professional e-book reader ■ Powerful mobile library ■ million online books: genuine, low-cost, no advertising Unique typesetting: comparable to the layout of paper books Screen rotation: vertical and horizontal screen free switch, like how to see on how to see Format support: EPUB / TXT / M...
Top 2 Ad Creative of iReader - Novels, Romance Stories
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Headline :book title:He Wants Me
Text :Two ordinary words and alone they can represent one thing but put together they mean something entirely different. For example, the words bad and boy. Everyone knows the following definitions but combine them, and they shout something I was desperately trying to avoid. Our School's most notorious bad boy, Brody Bauer. The only problem, it is not that simple, and here is why.
I made my entrance to school as I did every morning. Showing up with my three besties Megan, Olivia and Grace in my blue MINI Cooper which I can proudly say gets 35 miles to the gallon open highway. Just saying.
We usually took turns car-pooling every morning to help the environment and all, and today just happened to be my day so here we were pulling into the parking lot of the school fighting all the other cars for a parking space. Luckily I happened to notice one close to the front of the school and silently cheered as a drove over to it.
I thought to myself when I saw that it was not available as I thought. Don't you just hate those moments when you realize there is actually a much smaller vehicle in the parking spot and you don't get that fabulous spot after all? Yeah, it is quite disappointing. Curse the person who drove it to school today.
"There's one." Grace said pointing about four spaces down from us.
Yay, maybe this day will not be so terrible after all. I hate when I have to walk a mile to get into school and by the time I get there I'm already tired and out of breath. To my relief when I got there, I was actually able to park, sparing me a few minutes before the first period.
"I'll catch up with you guys later. I have to see one of my teachers about something before class." Megan said stepping quickly from the car.
I was not at all surprised she was ditching us again. She had been doing that for the past week with a different excuse every time. Even though, she did not exactly say it I knew it was about a guy. I think she is seeing someone and just does not want us to know yet.
"Are you meeting up with Blake this morning?" Olivia asked with that same smirk on her face as always.
I sighed regretfully. "No, he said he had to meet with the coach again to get in some extra practice."
With confusion plastered on her face, she said. "This early in the morning?"
I shrugged and sighed. "That's what he said."
"It just more time you get to make up for later?" Olivia grinned while wiggling her eyebrow suggestively.
"Like tonight." Grace teased.
"You guys said you wouldn't tell." I stated.
"There's no one here." Grace pointed out.
"Oh...well...just remember it." I replied.
I had finally made up my mind that I was going to give my virginity to Blake tonight. After all, we had been together for six months, and he has waited so patiently for me. It was going to be the most memorable night of our lives. I do not think it would mean as much if we were not both virgins. We had both agreed to save ourselves for each other, and tonight it was going to happen. I cannot wait to see the surprise on his face when I tell him.
"You're very lucky to have someone like Blake. I think you got the only decent guy out there." She fiddled with her hem while saying.
"You think?" I smiled.
"We know." Olivia answered.
We continued going on about Blake along with the other guys in our school until it was time to leave for class.
When it was time to go we got out and walked past the majority of people that usually hung out outside the school, while trying not to be late. Unfortunately though, on the way inside there was a fight taking place blocking the school entrance, so the crowd was even fuller today. Without even looking I already knew whom it was, Brody or his group. This was nothing new here. They got into a fight just about every day, and were occasionally suspended for it, but most of the time they got away with it. This was because Brody's dad was apparently an extremely influential person and well... the fact they had money helped to. I didn't know much about him, but this made him nearly untouchable.
I'll let you in on the bad boys. They always treated the girls like stupid for one. They had been with most of the girls at this school but after they were finished with them they were tossed aside like yesterday's trash.
Each person had their own name for them. Most called them the bad boys while some called them "The Four" except for me, I like to call them the heartless. I had only ever came in contact with them a few times, but that was enough for me. They were trouble makers that liked to pull pranks and humiliate people. Even I have fallen victim to Brody's humiliation attempts a few times. I tried my hardest to steer clear of him as much as I possibly could, but sometimes that proved to be harder than you think. They were everywhere.
The guys feared them, and the girls swooned. Even the ones who were crushed still did this as well. That is the effect they had on people and it made me sick. I was one of the few that hadn't actually been with them, and I was proud of that. I think that's why Brody gives me such a hard time every chance he gets. Deep down I know it bothered him I'm wasn't just like the other girls that fall for him, and he made me pay for it. That is when he is able, as I said before I try to avoid him.
After maneuvering around everyone, we were finally able to get inside. Since most of the people were occupied watching the action outside it made getting through the halls much easier.
At my locker, I switched out my books for the first period and walked with my girls to class. Only four people other than us were there causing the teacher to be suspicious.
"Where is everyone?" She questioned staring back at the class.
"Oh there's some fight outside, everyone is there." Someone said.
She sighed in disappointment before turning to the board and began writing down our assignments for the day.
Jane Eyre Chapters 14 - 17
This was one of my favorite stories. I was a sucker for historical romances, and I was not ashamed to admit it. They could be much more engrossing than some of the newer stories out today.
As I pulled open my book to begin reading people from our class started pouring in quickly. Mrs. White gave her normal disapproving look as everyone rushed in after the bell rang, including Brody. He didn't look like he had a scratch on him.
"We are picking back up with chapter 14 of Jane Eyre. Begin immediately and I do not want to hear a sound from any one. This includes you Mr. Bauer." She pointed out giving him a serious look.
"I can't promise anything." He replied trying to get under her skin.
Of course, she didn't reply but still gave him the 'don't test me look'. I doubt it would go far though. He never gets in trouble for it.
He sat back in his chair not even bothering to bring his book to class. Instead, he thought it would be fun to miss with the girl in front of him which happened to be the girl seated next to me. Can someone say fun? I think not.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw her squirming from the hands being placed on her side, but she seemed to love the attention. I however, hated it. It was distracting me from being able read.
The giggles and excessive flirting was seriously getting to me making the urge to say something overpowering.
Don't do it Farrah, you will only paint a bigger target on your back.
"You know you could meet me after class, and I could teach you a thing or two." He said with what I'm sure was a smirk.
Did he actually use that line? Pathetic. Even a girl like her wouldn't go for that.
"Maybe I will."
Ok so I was wrong. Maybe she would.
"And then we could go-"
"You know some of us are trying to read." I snapped only to realize what I had done.
I quickly covered my mouth with my hand and met his amused eyes. Does that mean he isn't going to kill me after all?
"I'm sorry, am I keeping the virgin from her studies." He mocked.
I heard some of the class laugh at his remark and looked up at the teacher for a little help. Oh but guess what? She wasn't there. Great. Humiliation come find me.
"Nothing to say?" He teased. "So I was right, you are a virgin."
Olivia looked back at me with worry in her eyes at what I had started and shook her head. He quickly noticed her motion and his eyes snapped to hers.
"You, blondie, turn around." He says as he waves her off but not before she pays me one last glance.
"Now back to what we were talking about." He smirked trailing his finger along my arm.
"I have a boyfriend." I snapped moving my arm away from him.
"Of course, the famous Blake Coleman." He replied not hiding the disgust in his voice. "He's a real keeper."
"You're just jealous because he has class." I said before eyeing him up and down. "Unlike you."
Oh my gosh, did I honestly just say that? What has gotten in to me today? The anger on his face was evident as he tightly gripped the edge of his desk almost breaking it off.
Well this is just perfect Farrah. I'm pretty sure you just signed your own death warrant.
Who would have thought when I woke up this morning that today would be my last day on earth? I cowered in my seat and tried to pretend I was reading so he might leave me alone. Of course I was never that lucky, was I?
He leaned in so close to me that his mouth was almost touching my ear as his breath fanned the side of my face. My body tensed at our closeness.
"Oh yeah, real class." He said in a voice that just dripped with sarcasm. "I hate to break it to you angel, but your boy and I aren't so different."
Ok that does it. Who is he to judge someone? Blake was not anything like him, and I was positive. If he were, then you better believe I wouldn't be with him. I would never go for a person like Brody Bauer, and that is a promise.
"You wish." I scoffed.
At that moment, I wanted to smack myself. That was a really great comeback Farrah. Seriously that's all you could come up with, you wish? And the award for the lamest comeback goes to... Farrah Bryant. Thank you, thank you. I'm honored at such an award.
"We'll see." He smirked backing away from me to lean back in his seat before finishing. "Then you will be all mine."
Chills were running down my spine at his warning. I didn't know what that was supposed to mean, but I scared me none the less. I couldn't ignore the promise behind his words. He had something planned.
It's evident that all hope for me getting anything out of today's lesson was lost. My mind was too busy circling around what just happened preventing me from paying attention any longer. He had me wondering what he meant and what was to come, and I had a feeling it was not going to be good. The rest of the class was spent this way until it was time for us to leave, and I could not have been happier. I seriously needed to distance myself from Brody before worse things happened, and at this rate they were sure to.
Olivia held my arm in her grasp as she pulled my down the hallway full of students who were giving us strange looks. What was with her today? You would think she was running from giant tall men in black coats or something.
When we came to a more secluded spot in the hall way she turned to look at me. "Are you crazy?"
I was confused. "What?"
"You are talking to the enemy." She stated. "He's trouble, Farrah."
"I'm sorry, he just really got to me. I couldn't help it." I defended.
She paced the area in front of me with a hand on her head. Geez you would think I just told her I was pregnant or something.
"Ok we need to fix this. You have to avoid him for the rest of the day. Take a different route to classes, skip lunch um..."
I grabbed her arm to stop her from ranting any longer and waited for her to calm down. "Relax, okay? I'll probably never speak to him again anyway."
"For you are sake I hope not," she said, seeming to be a little more at ease. "Guys like him are not good and should be avoided at all cost."
That sounded like a plan. One, if I was sane, I would stick to. Though I don't think I'd be lucky enough to get away with the way I spoke to him today. I should have known better. He'd find me later.
"Got it." I smiled. "Now let's get to class before we're late."
She nodded her head and followed along behind me to our lockers. As I pulled mine open, I noticed a little white piece of paper sticking out of it with something written on it.
'Be ready.' It warned.
I swallowed the lump in my throat as I read it again. Yep something terrible was about to happen and I could just feel it. Well so long life, it was lovely while it lasted. I'll miss you.
"What's with the face?" Grace asked.
I quickly wadded up the note and stuffed it into my back pocket. "Uh... just worried about the quiz in science." I lied.
"Don't worry, you'll do amazingly." She chuckled. "You always do."
Not if I'm concentrating on my death I won't. It has been made quite clear something's about to come, and now I have to be on guard or else... I don't want to imagine it.
As we turned to leave, something caught my eye that made me freeze in my spot while sending those same shivers down my spine as before. Brody was standing across the hall leaned up against a set of lockers wearing his famous smirk as he stared at me.
My mind was telling me to move, but my body wouldn't respond, it was as if his eyes were holding me there. Those same deep blue eyes that held something far more dangerous than we knew, because he was... the bad boy, and I was screwed.
"Farrah, let's go." Olivia said as she tugged at my arm.
I pulled out of my trance just as Brody looked away from me and back to his friends. He continued talking to them and acted like nothing ever happened before he sent me one last glance.
"Hello? Farrah?" She said impenitently when I made no attempt to move. "What is with you today?"
I shrugged avoiding her question and allowed her to pull me along to science which wasn't far from our first period class. Upon entering the room, I took my usual seat by the teacher's desk because yes I was a nerd like that, and waited for class to start.
I actually made it a habit to always sit in front of every class I was in. I felt it provided a better learning experience. It prevented my attention from wondering elsewhere when it should be in the class room all along.
I sat silently in my seat as people started pouring in class including you know who. Brody made his way to the seat behind me throwing his classic smirk as he sat down. I was beyond shocked by his choice to sit in his assigned seat which caused me to look at him rather odd.
Brody never followed the rules probably due to him having a problem with being told what to do so it was pretty much guaranteed he wouldn't take the correct seat. Never in all the time I had classes with him did he ever sit where he was supposed to. This being the reason of my shock.
"See something you like?" He smirked yet again.
Yeah right. Me like anything about him? That was a joke within itself. His attitude prevented me from seeing anything beyond his bad boy exterior, so I never allowed myself to check him out.
"Good morning little learners." Mr. Pine says grinning at us like a mad man. "We have a new lesson today."
Everyone groaned at his announcement obviously not happy with the news, but I wasn't to upset. Maybe it will help keep my mind off the bad boy sitting behind me.
"Settled down it's not that bad." He says. "We'll be learning about Quantum Theory."
Mr. Pine picked up the worksheets from his desk and placed them at the front of every row to pass to the back. I took the first one from the top and proceed to hand the rest back to Brody. But little did I know I was about to regret it.
As he took the papers from my hands they easily slipped through my fingers, which caused a sudden stinging sensation and squeal to come from me.
I quickly pulled my hand away to get a look at the damage and almost instantly feel a wave of nausea come over me. Calm down Farrah it's not too bad it's just a paper cut. Everyone bleeds.
But why me?
I desperately tried to hold back to urge to puke when Mr. Pine caught sight of me.
"Farrah, are you okay?"
Afraid to speak I just shook my head instead in answer to his question.
No, I'm not ok. I've got blood oozing from my finger. I need a hospital or, a doctor...something!
Okay I realize that I'm over reacting a bit, but for one, I can't stand blood and two...well I've been told I'm a bit of a hypochondriac.
"Could someone please see Miss Bryant to the nurse's office?" Mr. Pine announced.
Great why don't you advertise my weakness to the whole class? That will help my image. It's was already embarrassing enough as it was. I don't like being weak.
This was defiantly not my day. First I piss off The Bad Boy which will possibly get me killed and now I'm going to bleed to death. Just great!
As if it wasn't unfortunate enough, Body decided to make it worse by saying those three words that caused instant panic to set in. "I'll take her."
Oh God, I truly am going to die aren't I? He was the one who caused this. What's next causing me to fall down the stairs? Okay maybe that was a little unfair, but I can't help but wonder.
He got up and stood next to my desk impatiently waiting for me, the injured victim, and pulled me up by the arm. I winced at his tight grip but did my best to hide it from him as he led me out of the room.
"I can walk you know. There's no need to man handle me." I snapped pulling my arm out of his grasp.
Just as he let go dizziness set in and made me stumble a little before almost falling to the ground.
"Oh really?" He asked as he caught me by the waist. "Because it looks as if you need my help."
His help? Yeah, right. I'd rather have hit the floor face first. I know he certainly didn't leave class just to help me, he isn't the type to off hospitality. There had to be some ulterior motive here.
"Well since you have it under control then I'll just let you find the nurse's office by yourself then." He threatened before letting me go.
"Wait, you're leaving?" I asked sounding a little more disappointed than I had meant to.
"Why? You going to miss me?" He smirked.
"Yes. I just love being annoyed."
Again with my mouth. Haven't I gotten myself in enough trouble already?
"Then why do you care?" He challenged.
"I don't! It was your job to see me to the nurse's office, and now you're bailing." I stated.
"I thought you didn't need my help? You'll be fine on your own. Besides, I've got things to do." He grinned.
So that was it! He was just using me to get out of class, and my poor finger had to suffer the price. That made me angry. Don't worry poor finger I'll avenge you somehow.
"Yeah, keep that to yourself, will you? I don't want wind up in a police station answering questions about you."
He chuckled at my response and turned away heading in the opposite direction of the school before calling. "I'll see you later, babe."
"Don't call me babe." I shouted just a little too late.
I looked down at my poor injured finger and sighed. Well at least some of the blood was drying up now. I don't think I could take it if my wound were still oozing with blood.
Oh no, defiantly wish I hadn't thought of that. Don't be nauseous, don't be nauseous. Ignore the mental picture.
Concentrate Farrah, it's just thirty more feet to the nurse, and you'll be fine. Think of happy things like, butterflies and rainbows and sunshine.
I continued moving my feet until I was standing at the door of the office. Relief filled my body as I entered the dim lit room.
"Oh thank god, I never thought I was going to ma-" I cut off when I realized she wasn't even in the room.
What? No. This can't be happening to me. I need to medical attention immediately! I can't die today, I won't. I still need to get revenge for my poor finger. Someone help me!
"Hello, Farrah. What can I do for you today?" Mrs. Brown asked walking in the door with a cup of coffee in her hand.
This is just fabulous, there are people in need of medical attention, and she's on a coffee break. What if something worse would have happened and I lost my finger completely?
"It's the worst." I stated and showed her my injury.
"Let's have a look at it." She said sitting down her coffee before she took my hand.
"It doesn't look to bad to me. Besides, I think it's already healing." She stated.
Oh what does she know? She's only a nurse. I think I need a qualified Doctor here.
"I'll get you a bandage and some disinfectant, and you can be on your way." She smiled.
"I don't need stitches?" I asked in surprise.
"Of course not." She chuckled while pulling the supplies out of the drawer.
She opened the tube and squirted out some paste onto my finger and snugly wrapped the band aid around it.
"Now, you're good to go."
My eyes widened at her. "To go? That's all?"
"That's all." She confirmed.
I nodded my head and turned from the room to leave. Well I guess I was lucky this time. I'm glad they didn't have to amputate.
I continued my descent down the hall returning to science class when I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I casually slowed my pace and turned to see whom it was and inwardly groaned. Great, he's back.
book title:He Wants Me
Top 3 Ad Creative of iReader - Novels, Romance Stories
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Headline :book title:He Wants Me
Text :Two ordinary words and alone they can represent one thing but put together they mean something entirely different. For example, the words bad and boy. Everyone knows the following definitions but combine them, and they shout something I was desperately trying to avoid. Our School's most notorious bad boy, Brody Bauer. The only problem, it is not that simple, and here is why.
I made my entrance to school as I did every morning. Showing up with my three besties Megan, Olivia and Grace in my blue MINI Cooper which I can proudly say gets 35 miles to the gallon open highway. Just saying.
We usually took turns car-pooling every morning to help the environment and all, and today just happened to be my day so here we were pulling into the parking lot of the school fighting all the other cars for a parking space. Luckily I happened to notice one close to the front of the school and silently cheered as a drove over to it.
I thought to myself when I saw that it was not available as I thought. Don't you just hate those moments when you realize there is actually a much smaller vehicle in the parking spot and you don't get that fabulous spot after all? Yeah, it is quite disappointing. Curse the person who drove it to school today.
"There's one." Grace said pointing about four spaces down from us.
Yay, maybe this day will not be so terrible after all. I hate when I have to walk a mile to get into school and by the time I get there I'm already tired and out of breath. To my relief when I got there, I was actually able to park, sparing me a few minutes before the first period.
"I'll catch up with you guys later. I have to see one of my teachers about something before class." Megan said stepping quickly from the car.
I was not at all surprised she was ditching us again. She had been doing that for the past week with a different excuse every time. Even though, she did not exactly say it I knew it was about a guy. I think she is seeing someone and just does not want us to know yet.
"Are you meeting up with Blake this morning?" Olivia asked with that same smirk on her face as always.
I sighed regretfully. "No, he said he had to meet with the coach again to get in some extra practice."
With confusion plastered on her face, she said. "This early in the morning?"
I shrugged and sighed. "That's what he said."
"It just more time you get to make up for later?" Olivia grinned while wiggling her eyebrow suggestively.
"Like tonight." Grace teased.
"You guys said you wouldn't tell." I stated.
"There's no one here." Grace pointed out.
"Oh...well...just remember it." I replied.
I had finally made up my mind that I was going to give my virginity to Blake tonight. After all, we had been together for six months, and he has waited so patiently for me. It was going to be the most memorable night of our lives. I do not think it would mean as much if we were not both virgins. We had both agreed to save ourselves for each other, and tonight it was going to happen. I cannot wait to see the surprise on his face when I tell him.
"You're very lucky to have someone like Blake. I think you got the only decent guy out there." She fiddled with her hem while saying.
"You think?" I smiled.
"We know." Olivia answered.
We continued going on about Blake along with the other guys in our school until it was time to leave for class.
When it was time to go we got out and walked past the majority of people that usually hung out outside the school, while trying not to be late. Unfortunately though, on the way inside there was a fight taking place blocking the school entrance, so the crowd was even fuller today. Without even looking I already knew whom it was, Brody or his group. This was nothing new here. They got into a fight just about every day, and were occasionally suspended for it, but most of the time they got away with it. This was because Brody's dad was apparently an extremely influential person and well... the fact they had money helped to. I didn't know much about him, but this made him nearly untouchable.
I'll let you in on the bad boys. They always treated the girls like stupid for one. They had been with most of the girls at this school but after they were finished with them they were tossed aside like yesterday's trash.
Each person had their own name for them. Most called them the bad boys while some called them "The Four" except for me, I like to call them the heartless. I had only ever came in contact with them a few times, but that was enough for me. They were trouble makers that liked to pull pranks and humiliate people. Even I have fallen victim to Brody's humiliation attempts a few times. I tried my hardest to steer clear of him as much as I possibly could, but sometimes that proved to be harder than you think. They were everywhere.
The guys feared them, and the girls swooned. Even the ones who were crushed still did this as well. That is the effect they had on people and it made me sick. I was one of the few that hadn't actually been with them, and I was proud of that. I think that's why Brody gives me such a hard time every chance he gets. Deep down I know it bothered him I'm wasn't just like the other girls that fall for him, and he made me pay for it. That is when he is able, as I said before I try to avoid him.
After maneuvering around everyone, we were finally able to get inside. Since most of the people were occupied watching the action outside it made getting through the halls much easier.
At my locker, I switched out my books for the first period and walked with my girls to class. Only four people other than us were there causing the teacher to be suspicious.
"Where is everyone?" She questioned staring back at the class.
"Oh there's some fight outside, everyone is there." Someone said.
She sighed in disappointment before turning to the board and began writing down our assignments for the day.
Jane Eyre Chapters 14 - 17
This was one of my favorite stories. I was a sucker for historical romances, and I was not ashamed to admit it. They could be much more engrossing than some of the newer stories out today.
As I pulled open my book to begin reading people from our class started pouring in quickly. Mrs. White gave her normal disapproving look as everyone rushed in after the bell rang, including Brody. He didn't look like he had a scratch on him.
"We are picking back up with chapter 14 of Jane Eyre. Begin immediately and I do not want to hear a sound from any one. This includes you Mr. Bauer." She pointed out giving him a serious look.
"I can't promise anything." He replied trying to get under her skin.
Of course, she didn't reply but still gave him the 'don't test me look'. I doubt it would go far though. He never gets in trouble for it.
He sat back in his chair not even bothering to bring his book to class. Instead, he thought it would be fun to miss with the girl in front of him which happened to be the girl seated next to me. Can someone say fun? I think not.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw her squirming from the hands being placed on her side, but she seemed to love the attention. I however, hated it. It was distracting me from being able read.
The giggles and excessive flirting was seriously getting to me making the urge to say something overpowering.
Don't do it Farrah, you will only paint a bigger target on your back.
"You know you could meet me after class, and I could teach you a thing or two." He said with what I'm sure was a smirk.
Did he actually use that line? Pathetic. Even a girl like her wouldn't go for that.
"Maybe I will."
Ok so I was wrong. Maybe she would.
"And then we could go-"
"You know some of us are trying to read." I snapped only to realize what I had done.
I quickly covered my mouth with my hand and met his amused eyes. Does that mean he isn't going to kill me after all?
"I'm sorry, am I keeping the virgin from her studies." He mocked.
I heard some of the class laugh at his remark and looked up at the teacher for a little help. Oh but guess what? She wasn't there. Great. Humiliation come find me.
"Nothing to say?" He teased. "So I was right, you are a virgin."
Olivia looked back at me with worry in her eyes at what I had started and shook her head. He quickly noticed her motion and his eyes snapped to hers.
"You, blondie, turn around." He says as he waves her off but not before she pays me one last glance.
"Now back to what we were talking about." He smirked trailing his finger along my arm.
"I have a boyfriend." I snapped moving my arm away from him.
"Of course, the famous Blake Coleman." He replied not hiding the disgust in his voice. "He's a real keeper."
"You're just jealous because he has class." I said before eyeing him up and down. "Unlike you."
Oh my gosh, did I honestly just say that? What has gotten in to me today? The anger on his face was evident as he tightly gripped the edge of his desk almost breaking it off.
Well this is just perfect Farrah. I'm pretty sure you just signed your own death warrant.
Who would have thought when I woke up this morning that today would be my last day on earth? I cowered in my seat and tried to pretend I was reading so he might leave me alone. Of course I was never that lucky, was I?
He leaned in so close to me that his mouth was almost touching my ear as his breath fanned the side of my face. My body tensed at our closeness.
"Oh yeah, real class." He said in a voice that just dripped with sarcasm. "I hate to break it to you angel, but your boy and I aren't so different."
Ok that does it. Who is he to judge someone? Blake was not anything like him, and I was positive. If he were, then you better believe I wouldn't be with him. I would never go for a person like Brody Bauer, and that is a promise.
"You wish." I scoffed.
At that moment, I wanted to smack myself. That was a really great comeback Farrah. Seriously that's all you could come up with, you wish? And the award for the lamest comeback goes to... Farrah Bryant. Thank you, thank you. I'm honored at such an award.
"We'll see." He smirked backing away from me to lean back in his seat before finishing. "Then you will be all mine."
Chills were running down my spine at his warning. I didn't know what that was supposed to mean, but I scared me none the less. I couldn't ignore the promise behind his words. He had something planned.
It's evident that all hope for me getting anything out of today's lesson was lost. My mind was too busy circling around what just happened preventing me from paying attention any longer. He had me wondering what he meant and what was to come, and I had a feeling it was not going to be good. The rest of the class was spent this way until it was time for us to leave, and I could not have been happier. I seriously needed to distance myself from Brody before worse things happened, and at this rate they were sure to.
Olivia held my arm in her grasp as she pulled my down the hallway full of students who were giving us strange looks. What was with her today? You would think she was running from giant tall men in black coats or something.
When we came to a more secluded spot in the hall way she turned to look at me. "Are you crazy?"
I was confused. "What?"
"You are talking to the enemy." She stated. "He's trouble, Farrah."
"I'm sorry, he just really got to me. I couldn't help it." I defended.
She paced the area in front of me with a hand on her head. Geez you would think I just told her I was pregnant or something.
"Ok we need to fix this. You have to avoid him for the rest of the day. Take a different route to classes, skip lunch um..."
I grabbed her arm to stop her from ranting any longer and waited for her to calm down. "Relax, okay? I'll probably never speak to him again anyway."
"For you are sake I hope not," she said, seeming to be a little more at ease. "Guys like him are not good and should be avoided at all cost."
That sounded like a plan. One, if I was sane, I would stick to. Though I don't think I'd be lucky enough to get away with the way I spoke to him today. I should have known better. He'd find me later.
"Got it." I smiled. "Now let's get to class before we're late."
She nodded her head and followed along behind me to our lockers. As I pulled mine open, I noticed a little white piece of paper sticking out of it with something written on it.
'Be ready.' It warned.
I swallowed the lump in my throat as I read it again. Yep something terrible was about to happen and I could just feel it. Well so long life, it was lovely while it lasted. I'll miss you.
"What's with the face?" Grace asked.
I quickly wadded up the note and stuffed it into my back pocket. "Uh... just worried about the quiz in science." I lied.
"Don't worry, you'll do amazingly." She chuckled. "You always do."
Not if I'm concentrating on my death I won't. It has been made quite clear something's about to come, and now I have to be on guard or else... I don't want to imagine it.
As we turned to leave, something caught my eye that made me freeze in my spot while sending those same shivers down my spine as before. Brody was standing across the hall leaned up against a set of lockers wearing his famous smirk as he stared at me.
My mind was telling me to move, but my body wouldn't respond, it was as if his eyes were holding me there. Those same deep blue eyes that held something far more dangerous than we knew, because he was... the bad boy, and I was screwed.
"Farrah, let's go." Olivia said as she tugged at my arm.
I pulled out of my trance just as Brody looked away from me and back to his friends. He continued talking to them and acted like nothing ever happened before he sent me one last glance.
"Hello? Farrah?" She said impenitently when I made no attempt to move. "What is with you today?"
I shrugged avoiding her question and allowed her to pull me along to science which wasn't far from our first period class. Upon entering the room, I took my usual seat by the teacher's desk because yes I was a nerd like that, and waited for class to start.
I actually made it a habit to always sit in front of every class I was in. I felt it provided a better learning experience. It prevented my attention from wondering elsewhere when it should be in the class room all along.
I sat silently in my seat as people started pouring in class including you know who. Brody made his way to the seat behind me throwing his classic smirk as he sat down. I was beyond shocked by his choice to sit in his assigned seat which caused me to look at him rather odd.
Brody never followed the rules probably due to him having a problem with being told what to do so it was pretty much guaranteed he wouldn't take the correct seat. Never in all the time I had classes with him did he ever sit where he was supposed to. This being the reason of my shock.
"See something you like?" He smirked yet again.
Yeah right. Me like anything about him? That was a joke within itself. His attitude prevented me from seeing anything beyond his bad boy exterior, so I never allowed myself to check him out.
"Good morning little learners." Mr. Pine says grinning at us like a mad man. "We have a new lesson today."
Everyone groaned at his announcement obviously not happy with the news, but I wasn't to upset. Maybe it will help keep my mind off the bad boy sitting behind me.
"Settled down it's not that bad." He says. "We'll be learning about Quantum Theory."
Mr. Pine picked up the worksheets from his desk and placed them at the front of every row to pass to the back. I took the first one from the top and proceed to hand the rest back to Brody. But little did I know I was about to regret it.
As he took the papers from my hands they easily slipped through my fingers, which caused a sudden stinging sensation and squeal to come from me.
I quickly pulled my hand away to get a look at the damage and almost instantly feel a wave of nausea come over me. Calm down Farrah it's not too bad it's just a paper cut. Everyone bleeds.
But why me?
I desperately tried to hold back to urge to puke when Mr. Pine caught sight of me.
"Farrah, are you okay?"
Afraid to speak I just shook my head instead in answer to his question.
No, I'm not ok. I've got blood oozing from my finger. I need a hospital or, a doctor...something!
Okay I realize that I'm over reacting a bit, but for one, I can't stand blood and two...well I've been told I'm a bit of a hypochondriac.
"Could someone please see Miss Bryant to the nurse's office?" Mr. Pine announced.
Great why don't you advertise my weakness to the whole class? That will help my image. It's was already embarrassing enough as it was. I don't like being weak.
This was defiantly not my day. First I piss off The Bad Boy which will possibly get me killed and now I'm going to bleed to death. Just great!
As if it wasn't unfortunate enough, Body decided to make it worse by saying those three words that caused instant panic to set in. "I'll take her."
Oh God, I truly am going to die aren't I? He was the one who caused this. What's next causing me to fall down the stairs? Okay maybe that was a little unfair, but I can't help but wonder.
He got up and stood next to my desk impatiently waiting for me, the injured victim, and pulled me up by the arm. I winced at his tight grip but did my best to hide it from him as he led me out of the room.
"I can walk you know. There's no need to man handle me." I snapped pulling my arm out of his grasp.
Just as he let go dizziness set in and made me stumble a little before almost falling to the ground.
"Oh really?" He asked as he caught me by the waist. "Because it looks as if you need my help."
His help? Yeah, right. I'd rather have hit the floor face first. I know he certainly didn't leave class just to help me, he isn't the type to off hospitality. There had to be some ulterior motive here.
"Well since you have it under control then I'll just let you find the nurse's office by yourself then." He threatened before letting me go.
"Wait, you're leaving?" I asked sounding a little more disappointed than I had meant to.
"Why? You going to miss me?" He smirked.
"Yes. I just love being annoyed."
Again with my mouth. Haven't I gotten myself in enough trouble already?
"Then why do you care?" He challenged.
"I don't! It was your job to see me to the nurse's office, and now you're bailing." I stated.
"I thought you didn't need my help? You'll be fine on your own. Besides, I've got things to do." He grinned.
So that was it! He was just using me to get out of class, and my poor finger had to suffer the price. That made me angry. Don't worry poor finger I'll avenge you somehow.
"Yeah, keep that to yourself, will you? I don't want wind up in a police station answering questions about you."
He chuckled at my response and turned away heading in the opposite direction of the school before calling. "I'll see you later, babe."
"Don't call me babe." I shouted just a little too late.
I looked down at my poor injured finger and sighed. Well at least some of the blood was drying up now. I don't think I could take it if my wound were still oozing with blood.
Oh no, defiantly wish I hadn't thought of that. Don't be nauseous, don't be nauseous. Ignore the mental picture.
Concentrate Farrah, it's just thirty more feet to the nurse, and you'll be fine. Think of happy things like, butterflies and rainbows and sunshine.
I continued moving my feet until I was standing at the door of the office. Relief filled my body as I entered the dim lit room.
"Oh thank god, I never thought I was going to ma-" I cut off when I realized she wasn't even in the room.
What? No. This can't be happening to me. I need to medical attention immediately! I can't die today, I won't. I still need to get revenge for my poor finger. Someone help me!
"Hello, Farrah. What can I do for you today?" Mrs. Brown asked walking in the door with a cup of coffee in her hand.
This is just fabulous, there are people in need of medical attention, and she's on a coffee break. What if something worse would have happened and I lost my finger completely?
"It's the worst." I stated and showed her my injury.
"Let's have a look at it." She said sitting down her coffee before she took my hand.
"It doesn't look to bad to me. Besides, I think it's already healing." She stated.
Oh what does she know? She's only a nurse. I think I need a qualified Doctor here.
"I'll get you a bandage and some disinfectant, and you can be on your way." She smiled.
"I don't need stitches?" I asked in surprise.
"Of course not." She chuckled while pulling the supplies out of the drawer.
She opened the tube and squirted out some paste onto my finger and snugly wrapped the band aid around it.
"Now, you're good to go."
My eyes widened at her. "To go? That's all?"
"That's all." She confirmed.
I nodded my head and turned from the room to leave. Well I guess I was lucky this time. I'm glad they didn't have to amputate.
I continued my descent down the hall returning to science class when I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I casually slowed my pace and turned to see whom it was and inwardly groaned. Great, he's back.
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