XTV Competitive Intelligence|Ad Analysis by SocialPeta
Competitive intelligence is the first step in our marketing intelligence work and one of the most important parts. Only when we understand the details of our competitors can we formulate a correct and effective marketing strategy.
In this report, SocialPeta analyzes the XTV's ad analysis from multiple aspects and helps you see the competitive intelligence of top grossing apps XTV.
Now, I'll tell you how to gain a competitive advantage by SocialPeta.
1. Basic Information of XTV
App Name : XTV
OS : iOS
Network : Facebook,Instagram
Developer : XTV s.r.o.
Publisher : Instagram,Facebook
Total creative ads during the time period : 56
Duration : 456
Popularity : 19,581
Check ASO Keywords of XTV
2. XTV’s Competitive Intelligence
what is competitive intelligence? Competitive intelligence is the most important part of our marketing. Only when we fully understand the overall situation of our competitors and the market can we make accurate judgments.
Before advertising, we usually use various tools, such as SocialPeta, to check the details of competitors' ads. In this report, we will analyze the recent advertising performance of advertiser XTV in detail to understand its advertising strategy.
Trend of Category
There are many types of creatives. We mainly analyze the trend of the ad creative category of XTV in the recent period. As of 2020-08-14, among the XTV‘s ad creative, the Html category's proportion is 0.0%, Video category's proportion is 3.23%, Playable Ads category's proportion is 0.0%, Image category's proportion is 96.77%, Carousel category's proportion is 0.0%.
Ad Network Analysis
The network that SocialPeta monitors can cover almost all mainstream channels in the world. Understanding the competitor's advertising channels is the first step in marketing work. According to the analysis of SocialPeta, we can see that in the date of 2020-08-14, XTV's the proportion of networks impressions are placed like this:
Facebook's proportion is 79.16%,
Instagram's proportion is 20.84%,
's proportion is ,
's proportion is ,
's proportion is .
In the date of 2020-08-14, XTV‘s network with the most ads is Facebook and its proportion is 87.1%.
3. Top 3 Ad Creative Analysis of XTV
This is the detailed information of the top three ad creatives with the best performance among all ad creatives of XTV. We can see some advertising trends.
Top 1 Ad Creative of XTV
Ad Details :
Headline :Politik Alexandr Vondra: "Vítačská kultura je jen pro politiky a někoho, kdo hledá levnou pracovní sílu. Pro normální lidi jsou migranti hrozba a konkurence..."
Text :Alexandr Vondra - politik
Top 2 Ad Creative of XTV
Ad Details :
Headline :„Milion chvilek a Piráti nás vracejí před 17. listopad. Elity chtějí zničit naši republiku a národní státy. Evropské dotace jsou zlo a naše zhouba.“ – říká prezident Václav Klaus
Text :Václav Klaus
Top 3 Ad Creative of XTV
Ad Details :
Headline :XTV.cz - „Chvilkaři jsou lobbisté, s Křečkem prostě ujeli a ztrácejí nervy. Lidovci by měli vtáhnout do hry Čunka. ODS ani Piráti Babiše neporazí. Trikolóra má šanci, potřebuje výraznou ženu…“ – říká politolog Jan Kubá
Text :Mohou státní úředníci z úřadu veřejné ochránkyně práv Anny Šabatové označovat veřejného ochránce práv Stanislava Křečka za rasistu a kardinála Dominika Duku za ubožáka? Porazí ODS nebo Piráti hnutí ANO? Je podle politologa a vysokoškolského pedagoga Jana Kubáčka spolup...
Basic Info of Top 3 Ad Creative
1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
Duration | 326 | 233 | 172 |
Popularity | 999 | 998 | 978 |
Dimensions | 420 x 236 | 512 x 288 | 1920 x 1080 |
Creative Type | Image | Image | Image |
Network | |||
Related Ads | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Countries | Sweden | Czech | Czech |
Language | NA | NA | NA |
Through the above analysis, we can see that the most effective channel for XTV in recent advertising is Facebook, and the main creative type is Image.
In conclusion: The above is a free XTV's competitive intelligence analysis report. To do a good job of advertising, long-term accumulation is required. we need to constantly check the latest trends and competitive intelligence data. With the use of competitive intelligence tools like SocialPeta, Guangdada(Chinese version of SocialPeta), we can improve our ROI, and make competitor‘s fans ours. I hope that this ad creative analysis report will allow you to gain more.
If you want to check the relevant intelligence analysis of other apps similar to XTV, you can click the app name below to view related reports, or you can find more info in ASOTools.