Dreame Competitive Intelligence|Ad Analysis by SocialPeta
Competitive intelligence is the first step in our marketing intelligence work and one of the most important parts. Only when we understand the details of our competitors can we formulate a correct and effective marketing strategy.
In this report, SocialPeta analyzes the Dreame's ad analysis from multiple aspects and helps you see the competitive intelligence of top grossing apps Dreame.
Now, I'll tell you how to gain a competitive advantage by SocialPeta.
1. Basic Information of Dreame
App Name : Dreame

OS : Android
Network : Facebook,Audience Network,Instagram
Developer : Dreame Media
Publisher : Instagram,Facebook,YouCam Nails - Manicure Salon for Custom Nail Art,30 Day Fitness Challenge - Workout at Home,Treehouse Table,7 Minute Workout
Total creative ads during the time period : 10,000
Duration : 941
Popularity : 4,445,717
Check ASO Keywords of Dreame
2. Dreame’s Competitive Intelligence
what is competitive intelligence? Competitive intelligence is the most important part of our marketing. Only when we fully understand the overall situation of our competitors and the market can we make accurate judgments.
Before advertising, we usually use various tools, such as SocialPeta, to check the details of competitors' ads. In this report, we will analyze the recent advertising performance of advertiser Dreame in detail to understand its advertising strategy.
Trend of Category
There are many types of creatives. We mainly analyze the trend of the ad creative category of Dreame in the recent period. As of 2021-03-15, among the Dreame‘s ad creative, the Html category's proportion is 0.0%, Video category's proportion is 27.12%, Playable Ads category's proportion is 0.0%, Image category's proportion is 72.81%, Carousel category's proportion is 0.07%.
Ad Network Analysis
The network that SocialPeta monitors can cover almost all mainstream channels in the world. Understanding the competitor's advertising channels is the first step in marketing work. According to the analysis of SocialPeta, we can see that in the date of 2021-03-15, Dreame's the proportion of networks impressions are placed like this:
Facebook's proportion is 26.68%,
Messenger's proportion is 24.85%,
Instagram's proportion is 24.42%,
Audience Network's proportion is 24.05%,
's proportion is .
In the date of 2021-03-15, Dreame‘s network with the most ads is Instagram and its proportion is 25.13%.
3. Top 3 Ad Creative Analysis of Dreame
This is the detailed information of the top three ad creatives with the best performance among all ad creatives of Dreame. We can see some advertising trends.
Top 1 Ad Creative of Dreame
Ad Details :

Headline :Dreame
Text :“Alaia, get out of bed now! Don’t make me come up there!” yelled my mom from the bottoms of the stairs.
I had hit the snooze button one too many times and now I was going to be late for my last week of senior year.
I shot of of bed and into by bathroom in an attempt to wake myself up and make myself look like a human and not a walking zombie.
As soon as I turned on the shower I jumped in and cursed aloud when the icy water hit my body.
“Well, step one ‘waking up’ is complete” I thought sarcastically as I adjusted the temperature and sped through my morning routine.
Hopping out of the shower I wrapped myself in my favorite fluffy bath towel and take a look in the mirror.
Everyone always says how much I look like my mom and I see it more and more every day.
I have her large golden honey colored eyes and smooth caramel skin.
My long chocolate brown hair almost reaches my waist, again just like mom, but mine is curly while hers would be considered wavy.
I have plump pouty lips and a small button nose which I love but I would say that my favorite feature would be my curves.
Mom definitely blessed me with an amazing hourglass figure.
Tiny waist, thick hips and thighs, nice round firm behind, and generous boobs to boot.
At 5’2 I would say that I would be considered attractive by many but I’ve never dated or even had a boyfriend.
I like to keep to myself and avoid the drama so even with my physical appearance not too many people take the time to approach and get to know me.
I pull myself out of my haze of thoughts and pull my hair into a large messy bun before rushing into my closet and throwing on my favorite yellow maxi dress and brown gladiator sandals.
Because of my short stature I have to tie a knot in the front of the dress to keep from tripping over it but I still love it.
I stop in front of my vanity and apply a bit of mascara and some lip gloss before I grab my things and head down stairs of the pack house.
On the way down I take a look at my phone and see that I have enough time for a quick breakfast before I have to leave.
I do an air fist bump before I round the corner into the kitchen.
I love food and am not ashamed to say it.
I say my good mornings as I pass a few members of the pack already having their breakfast at the large island and look over to see more in the dining room. I give them a wave before I open the fridge, stick my head in, and start unconsciously doing my happy food dance.
“Oh what deliciousness do you hold dear fridge?” I say while scanning the shelves.
My brother Aaron enters the kitchen, sees me, and being the brat he is he slowly walks up behind me and yells “boo!” so loud that I let out an ear piercing shriek, bang my head on the inside of the fridge, and almost choke on my heart that has leapt into my throat.
I immediately regain a bit of my composure (which is hard to do with about 20 wolves trying to hide their amused faces) and while he’s doubled over laughing I spin around and land a right hook on his rib cage, quickly putting a stop to his laughter.
Once he straightens up he yells “Alaia, what the joke?!”
“Oh, don’t play innocent with me you ass. My eyes are still crossed from the impact of my head hitting the top of the fridge!”
“Aww, I’m sorry little sis”, he says while giggling and petting the top of my head like I’m a puppy.
As I slap his hand away I tell him “You’re a whole 6 minutes older than me, big deal. And stop petting me unless you want a bruise on the other your other side too.”
As twins, Aaron and I can fight like cats and dogs one minute then be the best of friends the next. I love my brother more than anything and I know he feels the same about me.
While rubbing his side Aaron tells me “That right hook has gotten better. I see you’ve been paying attention in combat training...finally”.
It’s true that I used to hate combat training. It always seemed more like a punishment than anything else.
As the daughter of the alpha of the Opal Moon pack, it was ingrained on me early on that Aaron would take over the position from our dad one day and once I found my mate I would bear his pups and just be a “good wife”.
My mom, Opal Moon’s Luna, found this notion to be insane and insisted that I start training immediately.
What if my mate was an alpha from another pack?
No one wants a Luna who only knows proper place settings and floral arrangements.
Dad was hesitant at first, but because it’s almost impossible to deny your mate, even if you are the alpha, he gave in and I’ve been in training for the last 6 months.
Since I have alpha blood, I’m stronger than other wolves and thus I’ve caught on in training rather quickly. I can keep up with pack warriors who’ve been training since they were pups.
This has brought my great pride and it’s awesome knowing that I can defend myself and my pack if the time ever comes.
I look up at Aaron and smile.
Even though we’re twins, we couldn’t look more different.
He has dads fairer skin, green eyes, and wavy brown hair. He has an amazing friendly personality and a smile that could make anyone’s day. At 6’2 he towers over most kids at our school and the girls can’t seem to get enough of him.
With his good looks and soon to be alpha status, one would think that he would be a man whore sleeping through the entire female population but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Aaron believes in mates and wants to wait for his. She’ll share everything from his first kiss to his first time having happy. To Aaron, there is nothing more special than sharing all your firsts with the one the Moon Goddess herself made especially for you.
I too believe in mates but I don’t think I’m as excited about finding mine as Aaron is. He knows his place in the pack and in the world but my future is still up in the air.
I think that scares me a bit.
While off in my own world, my mom walks into the kitchen with a big smile on her face.
The way she’s almost bouncing on her toes tells me that she’s up to something and she couldn’t be more excited about it.
“Are you ready, my babies?”
Aaron and I look at each other then back to mom. “Huh” we both say at the same time.
She rolls her eyes but quickly regains her excitement.
“This Saturday? It’s all set. I’ve got the whole pack preparing and you dad has invited four alphas and a few chosen guests from neighboring packs. It’s going to be so much fun!”
Aaron and I are still completely lost and our faces must clearly show it because mom throws up her hands and yells “Your 18th birthday? Don’t tell me you forgot that you turn 18 this Saturday and can finally find your mates! Oh I can’t wait to be a grandma, I’ll have the cutest grand pups ever.”
With that, realization strikes and my eyes go wide as saucers.
My 18th birthday? How could I forget my birthday, and my 18th at that?
“Holy shit!” I squeak before I can catch myself.
Mom shoots daggers at me and says “excuse me?” so dangerously low it gives me chills.
“Sorry mom” I say which seems to do the trick because almost immediately she’s back to chattering about the party, mates, and whatever else.
I tuned her out and quickly opened my mindlink to Aaron.
Most wolves can’t mindlink until they have had their first shift and have met their mate, but because we are twins we can link each other and no one else.
“Did you know about this party? And how did I forget our birthday?”
“I had no idea. Dads invited 4 other packs? Do you know how much that increases our chances of finding our mates Alaia? As much as we hate parties and being the center of attention, this is a good thing.”
“Good for who? What if my mate is from another pack, or an abusive asshole with a foot fetish, or worst what is he doesn’t like cheese??”
“Really Alaia, disliking cheese is worst than being an abusive ass? Get your shit together sis.”
I cut the mind link just as I hear mom say “Okay babies, off you go. You don’t want to be late. It is your last week after all.”
It’s then that I realize that I didn’t even get a chance to grab breakfast.
Mom starts pushing us towards the door and my stomach rumbles in protest. With her wolf senses mom hears my stomach and smirks.
“That will teach you to hit the snooze button so many times”.
With that Aaron and I are out the door and heading for his car.
This day sucks already.
Alaia POV
As we arrive to school a sense of dread begins to wash over me.
I’ve never been 100% comfortable in social situations and it shows. I only have one friend, Jordyn, whose been with me for as long as I can remember. She’s knows all my secrets and fears and never judges me. She’s my sister if not through blood, absolutely through bond.
Aaron parked the car and I spot his group of friends by the front entrance.
With Aaron being who he is, people flock to him which is clearly evident. All the “popular” kids hang with him and hang on to his every word.
I know my brother is awesome but I sometimes wonder if they really like him or if they are just hanging around because they know he’s their future alpha.
We both get out and grab our bags from the back seat.
Aaron looks over and asks “You good sis?” This has been his habit for as long as I can remember. I give him a small nod which he returns with a smile.
He then turns toward the entrance and heads for his friends.
When he reaches the front steps his best friend and soon to be Beta, Alexi, steps forward to greet him.
Alexi is a god amongst men if I do say so myself.
He’s the same height as Aaron at 6’2 with a muscular build, gorgeous tan skin, impossible gray eyes and dirty blond hair that looks like silk and makes me want to run my fingers through it.
But unlike Aaron, Alexi IS a man whore.
He changed girls like socks, always with someone, new and he has never once looked in my direction.
I wonder if he avoids me out of respect for my brother or if I’m just too boring for him.
Either way, I wish he was mine.
Jordyn walks up to me and snaps me out of my thoughts.
“Stop drooling before you slip in the puddle” she says while giggling.
“Oh shut it” I say before I grab her arm and swing her towards the cafeteria.
“Need. Food. Now.” I say dramatically as she rolls her eyes.
As if she already knows, she says, “Snoozed through breakfast again huh?”
“You know me all to well, don’t you my love? Come on, we’ve got to be quick so I can grab a snack and tell you about my morning.”
At this, her eyebrows shoot up and she says “It’s not even 8:00, besides you lusting after Alexi what would have already happened this morning?”
I ignore her comment and tell her about my moms revelation about my birthday party this Saturday.
“Oh and on top of all that” I say, “my dad is inviting four alphas from neighboring pack and a few of their ‘select guests’. Aaron is so excited to finally meet his mate but I don’t know how to feel. What if my mate feels like I’m not good enough? If he’s an alpha, will he want me to be his pack’s Luna? What if he doesn’t want me and rejects me? What if...”
Before I can finish my thought Jordyn pinches my nose and shuts me up.
“Girl chill the hell out and breathe. All of these ‘what if’s’ are only gonna drive both you and me crazy. Just relax. There is no guarantee that you’ll meet your mate Saturday, but when you do he will love you and treat you like the goddess you are. If he doesn’t, he’ll have to deal with me and he won’t want that.” she says with a wink.
As one of the strongest warriors in the Opal Moon pack, Jordyn is a force to be reckoned with and we all know it.
“No, he definitely doesn’t want that” I say with a smile.
A little calmer I finally make it to the cafeteria and make a beeline to the snack machines. I select a pack of mini blueberry muffins and a bottle of orange juice.
Jordyn and I then head back to the main hall way before parting ways to go to our home room classes.
As I take my seat in Mrs. Mitchell’s class I tear into my breakfast.
I’m so consumed by the blueberry goodness that I don’t even notice Alexi sit next to me until he lets out a small laugh and says “Hungry?”
I immediately choke on a piece of muffin and have to chug some OJ before I clear my throat and reply,
“Oh, hey Alexi. Sorry, my mom and your BFF made me miss breakfast this morning so I’m a little hungry.”
I feel my face getting red as I look over and see the small grin tugging at the corners of his delicious lips.
Oh, if only I could lick those lips. I could do all kinds of dirty things...
I’m pulled out of my dirty girl fantasy when Victoria, Alexi’s flavor of the week, walks by and purposefully bumps into me.
Her sickly sweet perfume almost makes me gag and when she opens her mouth it sounds like the wailing of a dying banshee.
“Babyyy, why are you sitting back here with this nobody instead of up front with me?”
To make her point she crosses her arms under her badly stuffed bra pushing up her faux cleavage and gives Alexi her best pout.
I immediately roll my eyes and start to turn back towards the front of class before I catch a glance at Alexi.
He looks at her and I see a look of exasperation flash across his eyes before he hides it with one of his megawatt smiles.
“I’ll be right there Valerie, I just needed to talk to Alaia real quick”.
Her face drops when she realizes that Alexi just called her Valerie instead of Victoria, but before she can bring it up Alexi spins her around and gives her a small push towards the front of the class.
I let of a small chuckle before I can catch myself, which Victoria hears. She glares at me over her shoulder and give me her best sneer.
Oh, if looks could kill...
Alexi gets my attention again by saying “I heard about the party the Luna is throwing. Good luck finding your mate. I hope he’s everything you deserve.”
"You know me better than that Alexi, or at least you should. Finding a mate is Aaron's deal, its never been high on my priority list. I'll just be happy to not fall on my face in front of all the 'special guests' my parents have invited."
"Well whoever it turns out to be, he better make sure you are high on his priority list. Or he will have to deal with me."
With that he’s up and out of his chair heading towards a now smiling Victoria.
“What. The. Actual. what?”
This is the first conversation I’d ever had with Alexi and it left me more than a little confused.
For a moment I wonder if he actually does see me and likes me as much as I like him but then I see him and Victoria sucking face and quickly wipe that idea from my head.
“He was just being nice and nothing more” I say with myself.
Now if only I can convince myself of that.
Alaia POV
The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly, as does the rest of the week, and before I know it it’s Friday.
Yesterday was officially the last day of school and today we will have our commencement ceremony.
School is finally over and when I wake up I can’t help be do a happy dance.
I stand up in the middle of my bed and do a quick twerk, so giddy that I never have to go to school again.
Aaron barges in, sees me, then yells “Ah, my eyes! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
This scares the crap out of me and I fall off my bed with a loud “Oof”.
“Ugh, Aaron, why are you in my room?”
“Mom told me to come get you, unless you don’t the special graduation day breakfast she had made for us. I’ll gladly eat your share.” he says while turning around to leave.
“Touch my food and you die!” I scream before I run across the room and leap onto his back.
Aaron stumbles a bit but quickly regains his footing before he starts heading for the stairs laughing the whole way.
By this time I’m laughing as well, my embarrassing twerking episode quickly forgotten, or so I had thought.
As soon as we walk into the kitchen Aaron announces “Mom, Dad, I just found your little princess in her room ‘practicing’ her moves for her mate.”
I turn bright red and leap down. Aaron, dad, and a few pack members find my embarrassment hilarious while is evident by their raucous laughter that’s booming through the kitchen.
Mom on the other hand shoots dad a look that has him silent in seconds “Big bad alpha gets taken down a peg” I think to myself with a small smile.
She then walks over to Aaron and smacks him on the back of the head.
Before he can get out his “Owww” she asks “What have I told you about just walking in to your sister’s room? She’s a young lady, soon to be a woman, and she needs her privacy.”
Aaron simply replies “yes ma’am” before rubbing his head and sitting down at the table.
As usual, mom and dad sit at the head of the table, as the Luna is just as highly regarded as the Alpha, with Aaron to dad’s left and me at mom’s right.
Then the beta and his family, followed by the rest of the pack fill in the remaining seats.
Mom takes in the room then stands and clears her throat.
The entire room falls silent and I’m in awe of her grace, beauty, and power.
She looks around before saying “Good Morning Opal Moon pack.”
“Good Morning Luna.”
“Today is a special day” she continues “as is tomorrow. Today my beautiful children celebrate their graduation and tomorrow they celebrate their 18th birthdays. And we pray to the Goddess that they also find their mates. As both events are so close together, we will take tomorrow night to celebrate both milestones in true style!”
With this, an absolutely beautiful smile adorns her face and I can’t help but to return it.
My mother is such a beautiful person inside and out and I’m lucky to call her mine.
She continues by saying “Our amazing alpha has invited four of our neighboring packs to celebrate with us and each will be bringing a few guests of their own. We hope that this will help strengthen our alliances and maybe produce a mating or two.” She says with a wink shot at both Aaron and I.
“Alpha Xander Black of the Blue Moon pack, Alpha Elijah Roland of the Red Sky pack, Alpha Julien Grey of the Crystal Moon pack, and lastly Alpha Jackson Beck of the Crescent Moon pack will be in attendance and I want all Opal Moon pack members on their best behavior.”
“Yes Luna.”
“Great! Now please enjoy this amazing breakfast that’s been prepared in honor of the twins graduation, and get ready because soon it will be time to party!”
With this she lets out a small squeal and as much as I’m not looking forward to the party, her enthusiasm is infectious and I find myself feeling slightly less apprehensive about the whole thing.
Maybe this weekend won’t be so bad after all.
At that thought, loads of breakfast begins being carted out of the kitchen.
Cinnamon rolls, pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, fresh fruits, croissants, the list goes on and on.
My mouth immediately starts to water before Mrs Wilson, my favorite kitchen omega, sits a steaming overflowing plate of heaven right in front of me.
A sinful moan followed by a giggle slips past my lips which makes Mrs Wilson smile.
She’s always been like a grandmother to me and treats me like I’m one of her own.
She leans down and kisses the top of my head before saying “Congratulations on your graduation my sweet girl. I pray The Moon Goddess continues to bless you with her gifts.”
I mumble a heartfelt thanks through my mouth full of bacon which causes her to chuckle.
She turns to smile at my parents and Aaron before she makes her way away from the table and back into the kitchen with the rest of the staff.
The entire pack digs in and we all talk and laugh, simply enjoying the food and one another’s company.
When breakfast is done I head up to my room and start to get ready for commencement.
I hop in the shower and when I step out I walk into my bedroom only to be scared shitless by the sight of Jordyn sitting on my bed, texting on her phone.
“Ahhhh!” I scream, and since she wasn’t paying attention AT ALL, it causes her to immediately go into attack mode and hurl her phone right at my head.
Luckily I ducked just in time for it to miss me and sail over my shoulder before crashing into the wall behind me.
“What the joke?!” I yell at her.
She’s holding her chest trying to calm her breathing.
“Don’t scares me like that you !”
This makes me laugh and I reply “How is this my fault huh? You’re in my room sitting on my bed.”
I raise an eyebrow at her and she mumbles “Whatever.” before stomping around me and into the bathroom to pickup the pieces of her ruined phone.
“We were supposed to get dressed together for graduation remember? And you owe me a new phone” she states before heading out of the bathroom and throwing herself onto the bed.
“It was just getting good too...” she says, almost to herself.
“What was?” I ask her while I head into my closet in search of underwear.
Once I’ve got my bra and panties on I walk back into my room and sit at my vanity to apply my lotion.
“Well?” I say, waiting for an answer to be previous question.
I look up and see Jordyn starting to blush and instantly I squeal in delight. It has to be a boy.
“Ah! Who is it?” I say while jumping up and down.
“Shhhh, do you want to tell the whole pack or what?” She asks while trying to calm me down.
“Sit the hell down and I’ll tell you!”
I obediently sit but with my excitement, I can’t stop my knees from bouncing.
Jordyn sees this, give me a small eye roll then smiles.
“Ugh, fine! I think I found my mate last week bu...”
Hearing this I immediately jump up and wrap her in a tight hug.
“I’m so happy for you Jordyn! Who is he, if he from our pack, oh my god he hasn’t marked you yet has he because if he has I’ll..”
“Alaia! Only the goddess knows how I put up with you. Would you let me finish please?”
“Sorry” I say sheepishly.
“Anyway, as I was saying...I think I found my mate last week but I can’t be sure since he’s not 18 yet.”
My lips form an “O” and I finally realize what she’s saying.
Jordyn turned 18 last week which woke up her wolf. She expected to find her mate right away but when she didn’t, I didn’t think too much of it. But now hearing that she may or may not have found him it makes me feel a bit bad. She can feel the beginnings of the mate pull but at this point it’s not being reciprocated by him.
“Well when does he turn 18? Have you told him that you think he may be your mate?” I ask.
“His birthday is coming up soon so I don’t have too much longer to wait” she says with a small smile.
“And no, I have not told him. If he is my mate, I want him to just feel it and know. I don’t want to taint that experience for him” she adds.
“Well that makes perfect sense” I tell her.
“He better be amazing and treat you like the gift you are if he knows what’s good for him” I say with a smile.
We both laugh at that and start to get ourselves ready for graduation.
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Top 2 Ad Creative of Dreame
Ad Details :

Headline :Dreame
Text :“Alaia, get out of bed now! Don’t make me come up there!” yelled my mom from the bottoms of the stairs.
I had hit the snooze button one too many times and now I was going to be late for my last week of senior year.
I shot of of bed and into by bathroom in an attempt to wake myself up and make myself look like a human and not a walking zombie.
As soon as I turned on the shower I jumped in and cursed aloud when the icy water hit my body.
“Well, step one ‘waking up’ is complete” I thought sarcastically as I adjusted the temperature and sped through my morning routine.
Hopping out of the shower I wrapped myself in my favorite fluffy bath towel and take a look in the mirror.
Everyone always says how much I look like my mom and I see it more and more every day.
I have her large golden honey colored eyes and smooth caramel skin.
My long chocolate brown hair almost reaches my waist, again just like mom, but mine is curly while hers would be considered wavy.
I have plump pouty lips and a small button nose which I love but I would say that my favorite feature would be my curves.
Mom definitely blessed me with an amazing hourglass figure.
Tiny waist, thick hips and thighs, nice round firm behind, and generous boobs to boot.
At 5’2 I would say that I would be considered attractive by many but I’ve never dated or even had a boyfriend.
I like to keep to myself and avoid the drama so even with my physical appearance not too many people take the time to approach and get to know me.
I pull myself out of my haze of thoughts and pull my hair into a large messy bun before rushing into my closet and throwing on my favorite yellow maxi dress and brown gladiator sandals.
Because of my short stature I have to tie a knot in the front of the dress to keep from tripping over it but I still love it.
I stop in front of my vanity and apply a bit of mascara and some lip gloss before I grab my things and head down stairs of the pack house.
On the way down I take a look at my phone and see that I have enough time for a quick breakfast before I have to leave.
I do an air fist bump before I round the corner into the kitchen.
I love food and am not ashamed to say it.
I say my good mornings as I pass a few members of the pack already having their breakfast at the large island and look over to see more in the dining room. I give them a wave before I open the fridge, stick my head in, and start unconsciously doing my happy food dance.
“Oh what deliciousness do you hold dear fridge?” I say while scanning the shelves.
My brother Aaron enters the kitchen, sees me, and being the brat he is he slowly walks up behind me and yells “boo!” so loud that I let out an ear piercing shriek, bang my head on the inside of the fridge, and almost choke on my heart that has leapt into my throat.
I immediately regain a bit of my composure (which is hard to do with about 20 wolves trying to hide their amused faces) and while he’s doubled over laughing I spin around and land a right hook on his rib cage, quickly putting a stop to his laughter.
Once he straightens up he yells “Alaia, what the joke?!”
“Oh, don’t play innocent with me you ass. My eyes are still crossed from the impact of my head hitting the top of the fridge!”
“Aww, I’m sorry little sis”, he says while giggling and petting the top of my head like I’m a puppy.
As I slap his hand away I tell him “You’re a whole 6 minutes older than me, big deal. And stop petting me unless you want a bruise on the other your other side too.”
As twins, Aaron and I can fight like cats and dogs one minute then be the best of friends the next. I love my brother more than anything and I know he feels the same about me.
While rubbing his side Aaron tells me “That right hook has gotten better. I see you’ve been paying attention in combat training...finally”.
It’s true that I used to hate combat training. It always seemed more like a punishment than anything else.
As the daughter of the alpha of the Opal Moon pack, it was ingrained on me early on that Aaron would take over the position from our dad one day and once I found my mate I would bear his pups and just be a “good wife”.
My mom, Opal Moon’s Luna, found this notion to be insane and insisted that I start training immediately.
What if my mate was an alpha from another pack?
No one wants a Luna who only knows proper place settings and floral arrangements.
Dad was hesitant at first, but because it’s almost impossible to deny your mate, even if you are the alpha, he gave in and I’ve been in training for the last 6 months.
Since I have alpha blood, I’m stronger than other wolves and thus I’ve caught on in training rather quickly. I can keep up with pack warriors who’ve been training since they were pups.
This has brought my great pride and it’s awesome knowing that I can defend myself and my pack if the time ever comes.
I look up at Aaron and smile.
Even though we’re twins, we couldn’t look more different.
He has dads fairer skin, green eyes, and wavy brown hair. He has an amazing friendly personality and a smile that could make anyone’s day. At 6’2 he towers over most kids at our school and the girls can’t seem to get enough of him.
With his good looks and soon to be alpha status, one would think that he would be a man whore sleeping through the entire female population but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Aaron believes in mates and wants to wait for his. She’ll share everything from his first kiss to his first time having happy. To Aaron, there is nothing more special than sharing all your firsts with the one the Moon Goddess herself made especially for you.
I too believe in mates but I don’t think I’m as excited about finding mine as Aaron is. He knows his place in the pack and in the world but my future is still up in the air.
I think that scares me a bit.
While off in my own world, my mom walks into the kitchen with a big smile on her face.
The way she’s almost bouncing on her toes tells me that she’s up to something and she couldn’t be more excited about it.
“Are you ready, my babies?”
Aaron and I look at each other then back to mom. “Huh” we both say at the same time.
She rolls her eyes but quickly regains her excitement.
“This Saturday? It’s all set. I’ve got the whole pack preparing and you dad has invited four alphas and a few chosen guests from neighboring packs. It’s going to be so much fun!”
Aaron and I are still completely lost and our faces must clearly show it because mom throws up her hands and yells “Your 18th birthday? Don’t tell me you forgot that you turn 18 this Saturday and can finally find your mates! Oh I can’t wait to be a grandma, I’ll have the cutest grand pups ever.”
With that, realization strikes and my eyes go wide as saucers.
My 18th birthday? How could I forget my birthday, and my 18th at that?
“Holy shit!” I squeak before I can catch myself.
Mom shoots daggers at me and says “excuse me?” so dangerously low it gives me chills.
“Sorry mom” I say which seems to do the trick because almost immediately she’s back to chattering about the party, mates, and whatever else.
I tuned her out and quickly opened my mindlink to Aaron.
Most wolves can’t mindlink until they have had their first shift and have met their mate, but because we are twins we can link each other and no one else.
“Did you know about this party? And how did I forget our birthday?”
“I had no idea. Dads invited 4 other packs? Do you know how much that increases our chances of finding our mates Alaia? As much as we hate parties and being the center of attention, this is a good thing.”
“Good for who? What if my mate is from another pack, or an abusive asshole with a foot fetish, or worst what is he doesn’t like cheese??”
“Really Alaia, disliking cheese is worst than being an abusive ass? Get your shit together sis.”
I cut the mind link just as I hear mom say “Okay babies, off you go. You don’t want to be late. It is your last week after all.”
It’s then that I realize that I didn’t even get a chance to grab breakfast.
Mom starts pushing us towards the door and my stomach rumbles in protest. With her wolf senses mom hears my stomach and smirks.
“That will teach you to hit the snooze button so many times”.
With that Aaron and I are out the door and heading for his car.
This day sucks already.
Alaia POV
As we arrive to school a sense of dread begins to wash over me.
I’ve never been 100% comfortable in social situations and it shows. I only have one friend, Jordyn, whose been with me for as long as I can remember. She’s knows all my secrets and fears and never judges me. She’s my sister if not through blood, absolutely through bond.
Aaron parked the car and I spot his group of friends by the front entrance.
With Aaron being who he is, people flock to him which is clearly evident. All the “popular” kids hang with him and hang on to his every word.
I know my brother is awesome but I sometimes wonder if they really like him or if they are just hanging around because they know he’s their future alpha.
We both get out and grab our bags from the back seat.
Aaron looks over and asks “You good sis?” This has been his habit for as long as I can remember. I give him a small nod which he returns with a smile.
He then turns toward the entrance and heads for his friends.
When he reaches the front steps his best friend and soon to be Beta, Alexi, steps forward to greet him.
Alexi is a god amongst men if I do say so myself.
He’s the same height as Aaron at 6’2 with a muscular build, gorgeous tan skin, impossible gray eyes and dirty blond hair that looks like silk and makes me want to run my fingers through it.
But unlike Aaron, Alexi IS a man whore.
He changed girls like socks, always with someone, new and he has never once looked in my direction.
I wonder if he avoids me out of respect for my brother or if I’m just too boring for him.
Either way, I wish he was mine.
Jordyn walks up to me and snaps me out of my thoughts.
“Stop drooling before you slip in the puddle” she says while giggling.
“Oh shut it” I say before I grab her arm and swing her towards the cafeteria.
“Need. Food. Now.” I say dramatically as she rolls her eyes.
As if she already knows, she says, “Snoozed through breakfast again huh?”
“You know me all to well, don’t you my love? Come on, we’ve got to be quick so I can grab a snack and tell you about my morning.”
At this, her eyebrows shoot up and she says “It’s not even 8:00, besides you lusting after Alexi what would have already happened this morning?”
I ignore her comment and tell her about my moms revelation about my birthday party this Saturday.
“Oh and on top of all that” I say, “my dad is inviting four alphas from neighboring pack and a few of their ‘select guests’. Aaron is so excited to finally meet his mate but I don’t know how to feel. What if my mate feels like I’m not good enough? If he’s an alpha, will he want me to be his pack’s Luna? What if he doesn’t want me and rejects me? What if...”
Before I can finish my thought Jordyn pinches my nose and shuts me up.
“Girl chill the hell out and breathe. All of these ‘what if’s’ are only gonna drive both you and me crazy. Just relax. There is no guarantee that you’ll meet your mate Saturday, but when you do he will love you and treat you like the goddess you are. If he doesn’t, he’ll have to deal with me and he won’t want that.” she says with a wink.
As one of the strongest warriors in the Opal Moon pack, Jordyn is a force to be reckoned with and we all know it.
“No, he definitely doesn’t want that” I say with a smile.
A little calmer I finally make it to the cafeteria and make a beeline to the snack machines. I select a pack of mini blueberry muffins and a bottle of orange juice.
Jordyn and I then head back to the main hall way before parting ways to go to our home room classes.
As I take my seat in Mrs. Mitchell’s class I tear into my breakfast.
I’m so consumed by the blueberry goodness that I don’t even notice Alexi sit next to me until he lets out a small laugh and says “Hungry?”
I immediately choke on a piece of muffin and have to chug some OJ before I clear my throat and reply,
“Oh, hey Alexi. Sorry, my mom and your BFF made me miss breakfast this morning so I’m a little hungry.”
I feel my face getting red as I look over and see the small grin tugging at the corners of his delicious lips.
Oh, if only I could lick those lips. I could do all kinds of dirty things...
I’m pulled out of my dirty girl fantasy when Victoria, Alexi’s flavor of the week, walks by and purposefully bumps into me.
Her sickly sweet perfume almost makes me gag and when she opens her mouth it sounds like the wailing of a dying banshee.
“Babyyy, why are you sitting back here with this nobody instead of up front with me?”
To make her point she crosses her arms under her badly stuffed bra pushing up her faux cleavage and gives Alexi her best pout.
I immediately roll my eyes and start to turn back towards the front of class before I catch a glance at Alexi.
He looks at her and I see a look of exasperation flash across his eyes before he hides it with one of his megawatt smiles.
“I’ll be right there Valerie, I just needed to talk to Alaia real quick”.
Her face drops when she realizes that Alexi just called her Valerie instead of Victoria, but before she can bring it up Alexi spins her around and gives her a small push towards the front of the class.
I let of a small chuckle before I can catch myself, which Victoria hears. She glares at me over her shoulder and give me her best sneer.
Oh, if looks could kill...
Alexi gets my attention again by saying “I heard about the party the Luna is throwing. Good luck finding your mate. I hope he’s everything you deserve.”
"You know me better than that Alexi, or at least you should. Finding a mate is Aaron's deal, its never been high on my priority list. I'll just be happy to not fall on my face in front of all the 'special guests' my parents have invited."
"Well whoever it turns out to be, he better make sure you are high on his priority list. Or he will have to deal with me."
With that he’s up and out of his chair heading towards a now smiling Victoria.
“What. The. Actual. what?”
This is the first conversation I’d ever had with Alexi and it left me more than a little confused.
For a moment I wonder if he actually does see me and likes me as much as I like him but then I see him and Victoria sucking face and quickly wipe that idea from my head.
“He was just being nice and nothing more” I say with myself.
Now if only I can convince myself of that.
Alaia POV
The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly, as does the rest of the week, and before I know it it’s Friday.
Yesterday was officially the last day of school and today we will have our commencement ceremony.
School is finally over and when I wake up I can’t help be do a happy dance.
I stand up in the middle of my bed and do a quick twerk, so giddy that I never have to go to school again.
Aaron barges in, sees me, then yells “Ah, my eyes! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
This scares the crap out of me and I fall off my bed with a loud “Oof”.
“Ugh, Aaron, why are you in my room?”
“Mom told me to come get you, unless you don’t the special graduation day breakfast she had made for us. I’ll gladly eat your share.” he says while turning around to leave.
“Touch my food and you die!” I scream before I run across the room and leap onto his back.
Aaron stumbles a bit but quickly regains his footing before he starts heading for the stairs laughing the whole way.
By this time I’m laughing as well, my embarrassing twerking episode quickly forgotten, or so I had thought.
As soon as we walk into the kitchen Aaron announces “Mom, Dad, I just found your little princess in her room ‘practicing’ her moves for her mate.”
I turn bright red and leap down. Aaron, dad, and a few pack members find my embarrassment hilarious while is evident by their raucous laughter that’s booming through the kitchen.
Mom on the other hand shoots dad a look that has him silent in seconds “Big bad alpha gets taken down a peg” I think to myself with a small smile.
She then walks over to Aaron and smacks him on the back of the head.
Before he can get out his “Owww” she asks “What have I told you about just walking in to your sister’s room? She’s a young lady, soon to be a woman, and she needs her privacy.”
Aaron simply replies “yes ma’am” before rubbing his head and sitting down at the table.
As usual, mom and dad sit at the head of the table, as the Luna is just as highly regarded as the Alpha, with Aaron to dad’s left and me at mom’s right.
Then the beta and his family, followed by the rest of the pack fill in the remaining seats.
Mom takes in the room then stands and clears her throat.
The entire room falls silent and I’m in awe of her grace, beauty, and power.
She looks around before saying “Good Morning Opal Moon pack.”
“Good Morning Luna.”
“Today is a special day” she continues “as is tomorrow. Today my beautiful children celebrate their graduation and tomorrow they celebrate their 18th birthdays. And we pray to the Goddess that they also find their mates. As both events are so close together, we will take tomorrow night to celebrate both milestones in true style!”
With this, an absolutely beautiful smile adorns her face and I can’t help but to return it.
My mother is such a beautiful person inside and out and I’m lucky to call her mine.
She continues by saying “Our amazing alpha has invited four of our neighboring packs to celebrate with us and each will be bringing a few guests of their own. We hope that this will help strengthen our alliances and maybe produce a mating or two.” She says with a wink shot at both Aaron and I.
“Alpha Xander Black of the Blue Moon pack, Alpha Elijah Roland of the Red Sky pack, Alpha Julien Grey of the Crystal Moon pack, and lastly Alpha Jackson Beck of the Crescent Moon pack will be in attendance and I want all Opal Moon pack members on their best behavior.”
“Yes Luna.”
“Great! Now please enjoy this amazing breakfast that’s been prepared in honor of the twins graduation, and get ready because soon it will be time to party!”
With this she lets out a small squeal and as much as I’m not looking forward to the party, her enthusiasm is infectious and I find myself feeling slightly less apprehensive about the whole thing.
Maybe this weekend won’t be so bad after all.
At that thought, loads of breakfast begins being carted out of the kitchen.
Cinnamon rolls, pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, fresh fruits, croissants, the list goes on and on.
My mouth immediately starts to water before Mrs Wilson, my favorite kitchen omega, sits a steaming overflowing plate of heaven right in front of me.
A sinful moan followed by a giggle slips past my lips which makes Mrs Wilson smile.
She’s always been like a grandmother to me and treats me like I’m one of her own.
She leans down and kisses the top of my head before saying “Congratulations on your graduation my sweet girl. I pray The Moon Goddess continues to bless you with her gifts.”
I mumble a heartfelt thanks through my mouth full of bacon which causes her to chuckle.
She turns to smile at my parents and Aaron before she makes her way away from the table and back into the kitchen with the rest of the staff.
The entire pack digs in and we all talk and laugh, simply enjoying the food and one another’s company.
When breakfast is done I head up to my room and start to get ready for commencement.
I hop in the shower and when I step out I walk into my bedroom only to be scared shitless by the sight of Jordyn sitting on my bed, texting on her phone.
“Ahhhh!” I scream, and since she wasn’t paying attention AT ALL, it causes her to immediately go into attack mode and hurl her phone right at my head.
Luckily I ducked just in time for it to miss me and sail over my shoulder before crashing into the wall behind me.
“What the joke?!” I yell at her.
She’s holding her chest trying to calm her breathing.
“Don’t scares me like that you !”
This makes me laugh and I reply “How is this my fault huh? You’re in my room sitting on my bed.”
I raise an eyebrow at her and she mumbles “Whatever.” before stomping around me and into the bathroom to pickup the pieces of her ruined phone.
“We were supposed to get dressed together for graduation remember? And you owe me a new phone” she states before heading out of the bathroom and throwing herself onto the bed.
“It was just getting good too...” she says, almost to herself.
“What was?” I ask her while I head into my closet in search of underwear.
Once I’ve got my bra and panties on I walk back into my room and sit at my vanity to apply my lotion.
“Well?” I say, waiting for an answer to be previous question.
I look up and see Jordyn starting to blush and instantly I squeal in delight. It has to be a boy.
“Ah! Who is it?” I say while jumping up and down.
“Shhhh, do you want to tell the whole pack or what?” She asks while trying to calm me down.
“Sit the hell down and I’ll tell you!”
I obediently sit but with my excitement, I can’t stop my knees from bouncing.
Jordyn sees this, give me a small eye roll then smiles.
“Ugh, fine! I think I found my mate last week bu...”
Hearing this I immediately jump up and wrap her in a tight hug.
“I’m so happy for you Jordyn! Who is he, if he from our pack, oh my god he hasn’t marked you yet has he because if he has I’ll..”
“Alaia! Only the goddess knows how I put up with you. Would you let me finish please?”
“Sorry” I say sheepishly.
“Anyway, as I was saying...I think I found my mate last week but I can’t be sure since he’s not 18 yet.”
My lips form an “O” and I finally realize what she’s saying.
Jordyn turned 18 last week which woke up her wolf. She expected to find her mate right away but when she didn’t, I didn’t think too much of it. But now hearing that she may or may not have found him it makes me feel a bit bad. She can feel the beginnings of the mate pull but at this point it’s not being reciprocated by him.
“Well when does he turn 18? Have you told him that you think he may be your mate?” I ask.
“His birthday is coming up soon so I don’t have too much longer to wait” she says with a small smile.
“And no, I have not told him. If he is my mate, I want him to just feel it and know. I don’t want to taint that experience for him” she adds.
“Well that makes perfect sense” I tell her.
“He better be amazing and treat you like the gift you are if he knows what’s good for him” I say with a smile.
We both laugh at that and start to get ourselves ready for graduation.
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Text :“Alaia, get out of bed now! Don’t make me come up there!” yelled my mom from the bottoms of the stairs.
I had hit the snooze button one too many times and now I was going to be late for my last week of senior year.
I shot of of bed and into by bathroom in an attempt to wake myself up and make myself look like a human and not a walking zombie.
As soon as I turned on the shower I jumped in and cursed aloud when the icy water hit my body.
“Well, step one ‘waking up’ is complete” I thought sarcastically as I adjusted the temperature and sped through my morning routine.
Hopping out of the shower I wrapped myself in my favorite fluffy bath towel and take a look in the mirror.
Everyone always says how much I look like my mom and I see it more and more every day.
I have her large golden honey colored eyes and smooth caramel skin.
My long chocolate brown hair almost reaches my waist, again just like mom, but mine is curly while hers would be considered wavy.
I have plump pouty lips and a small button nose which I love but I would say that my favorite feature would be my curves.
Mom definitely blessed me with an amazing hourglass figure.
Tiny waist, thick hips and thighs, nice round firm behind, and generous boobs to boot.
At 5’2 I would say that I would be considered attractive by many but I’ve never dated or even had a boyfriend.
I like to keep to myself and avoid the drama so even with my physical appearance not too many people take the time to approach and get to know me.
I pull myself out of my haze of thoughts and pull my hair into a large messy bun before rushing into my closet and throwing on my favorite yellow maxi dress and brown gladiator sandals.
Because of my short stature I have to tie a knot in the front of the dress to keep from tripping over it but I still love it.
I stop in front of my vanity and apply a bit of mascara and some lip gloss before I grab my things and head down stairs of the pack house.
On the way down I take a look at my phone and see that I have enough time for a quick breakfast before I have to leave.
I do an air fist bump before I round the corner into the kitchen.
I love food and am not ashamed to say it.
I say my good mornings as I pass a few members of the pack already having their breakfast at the large island and look over to see more in the dining room. I give them a wave before I open the fridge, stick my head in, and start unconsciously doing my happy food dance.
“Oh what deliciousness do you hold dear fridge?” I say while scanning the shelves.
My brother Aaron enters the kitchen, sees me, and being the brat he is he slowly walks up behind me and yells “boo!” so loud that I let out an ear piercing shriek, bang my head on the inside of the fridge, and almost choke on my heart that has leapt into my throat.
I immediately regain a bit of my composure (which is hard to do with about 20 wolves trying to hide their amused faces) and while he’s doubled over laughing I spin around and land a right hook on his rib cage, quickly putting a stop to his laughter.
Once he straightens up he yells “Alaia, what the joke?!”
“Oh, don’t play innocent with me you ass. My eyes are still crossed from the impact of my head hitting the top of the fridge!”
“Aww, I’m sorry little sis”, he says while giggling and petting the top of my head like I’m a puppy.
As I slap his hand away I tell him “You’re a whole 6 minutes older than me, big deal. And stop petting me unless you want a bruise on the other your other side too.”
As twins, Aaron and I can fight like cats and dogs one minute then be the best of friends the next. I love my brother more than anything and I know he feels the same about me.
While rubbing his side Aaron tells me “That right hook has gotten better. I see you’ve been paying attention in combat training...finally”.
It’s true that I used to hate combat training. It always seemed more like a punishment than anything else.
As the daughter of the alpha of the Opal Moon pack, it was ingrained on me early on that Aaron would take over the position from our dad one day and once I found my mate I would bear his pups and just be a “good wife”.
My mom, Opal Moon’s Luna, found this notion to be insane and insisted that I start training immediately.
What if my mate was an alpha from another pack?
No one wants a Luna who only knows proper place settings and floral arrangements.
Dad was hesitant at first, but because it’s almost impossible to deny your mate, even if you are the alpha, he gave in and I’ve been in training for the last 6 months.
Since I have alpha blood, I’m stronger than other wolves and thus I’ve caught on in training rather quickly. I can keep up with pack warriors who’ve been training since they were pups.
This has brought my great pride and it’s awesome knowing that I can defend myself and my pack if the time ever comes.
I look up at Aaron and smile.
Even though we’re twins, we couldn’t look more different.
He has dads fairer skin, green eyes, and wavy brown hair. He has an amazing friendly personality and a smile that could make anyone’s day. At 6’2 he towers over most kids at our school and the girls can’t seem to get enough of him.
With his good looks and soon to be alpha status, one would think that he would be a man whore sleeping through the entire female population but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Aaron believes in mates and wants to wait for his. She’ll share everything from his first kiss to his first time having happy. To Aaron, there is nothing more special than sharing all your firsts with the one the Moon Goddess herself made especially for you.
I too believe in mates but I don’t think I’m as excited about finding mine as Aaron is. He knows his place in the pack and in the world but my future is still up in the air.
I think that scares me a bit.
While off in my own world, my mom walks into the kitchen with a big smile on her face.
The way she’s almost bouncing on her toes tells me that she’s up to something and she couldn’t be more excited about it.
“Are you ready, my babies?”
Aaron and I look at each other then back to mom. “Huh” we both say at the same time.
She rolls her eyes but quickly regains her excitement.
“This Saturday? It’s all set. I’ve got the whole pack preparing and you dad has invited four alphas and a few chosen guests from neighboring packs. It’s going to be so much fun!”
Aaron and I are still completely lost and our faces must clearly show it because mom throws up her hands and yells “Your 18th birthday? Don’t tell me you forgot that you turn 18 this Saturday and can finally find your mates! Oh I can’t wait to be a grandma, I’ll have the cutest grand pups ever.”
With that, realization strikes and my eyes go wide as saucers.
My 18th birthday? How could I forget my birthday, and my 18th at that?
“Holy shit!” I squeak before I can catch myself.
Mom shoots daggers at me and says “excuse me?” so dangerously low it gives me chills.
“Sorry mom” I say which seems to do the trick because almost immediately she’s back to chattering about the party, mates, and whatever else.
I tuned her out and quickly opened my mindlink to Aaron.
Most wolves can’t mindlink until they have had their first shift and have met their mate, but because we are twins we can link each other and no one else.
“Did you know about this party? And how did I forget our birthday?”
“I had no idea. Dads invited 4 other packs? Do you know how much that increases our chances of finding our mates Alaia? As much as we hate parties and being the center of attention, this is a good thing.”
“Good for who? What if my mate is from another pack, or an abusive asshole with a foot fetish, or worst what is he doesn’t like cheese??”
“Really Alaia, disliking cheese is worst than being an abusive ass? Get your shit together sis.”
I cut the mind link just as I hear mom say “Okay babies, off you go. You don’t want to be late. It is your last week after all.”
It’s then that I realize that I didn’t even get a chance to grab breakfast.
Mom starts pushing us towards the door and my stomach rumbles in protest. With her wolf senses mom hears my stomach and smirks.
“That will teach you to hit the snooze button so many times”.
With that Aaron and I are out the door and heading for his car.
This day sucks already.
Alaia POV
As we arrive to school a sense of dread begins to wash over me.
I’ve never been 100% comfortable in social situations and it shows. I only have one friend, Jordyn, whose been with me for as long as I can remember. She’s knows all my secrets and fears and never judges me. She’s my sister if not through blood, absolutely through bond.
Aaron parked the car and I spot his group of friends by the front entrance.
With Aaron being who he is, people flock to him which is clearly evident. All the “popular” kids hang with him and hang on to his every word.
I know my brother is awesome but I sometimes wonder if they really like him or if they are just hanging around because they know he’s their future alpha.
We both get out and grab our bags from the back seat.
Aaron looks over and asks “You good sis?” This has been his habit for as long as I can remember. I give him a small nod which he returns with a smile.
He then turns toward the entrance and heads for his friends.
When he reaches the front steps his best friend and soon to be Beta, Alexi, steps forward to greet him.
Alexi is a god amongst men if I do say so myself.
He’s the same height as Aaron at 6’2 with a muscular build, gorgeous tan skin, impossible gray eyes and dirty blond hair that looks like silk and makes me want to run my fingers through it.
But unlike Aaron, Alexi IS a man whore.
He changed girls like socks, always with someone, new and he has never once looked in my direction.
I wonder if he avoids me out of respect for my brother or if I’m just too boring for him.
Either way, I wish he was mine.
Jordyn walks up to me and snaps me out of my thoughts.
“Stop drooling before you slip in the puddle” she says while giggling.
“Oh shut it” I say before I grab her arm and swing her towards the cafeteria.
“Need. Food. Now.” I say dramatically as she rolls her eyes.
As if she already knows, she says, “Snoozed through breakfast again huh?”
“You know me all to well, don’t you my love? Come on, we’ve got to be quick so I can grab a snack and tell you about my morning.”
At this, her eyebrows shoot up and she says “It’s not even 8:00, besides you lusting after Alexi what would have already happened this morning?”
I ignore her comment and tell her about my moms revelation about my birthday party this Saturday.
“Oh and on top of all that” I say, “my dad is inviting four alphas from neighboring pack and a few of their ‘select guests’. Aaron is so excited to finally meet his mate but I don’t know how to feel. What if my mate feels like I’m not good enough? If he’s an alpha, will he want me to be his pack’s Luna? What if he doesn’t want me and rejects me? What if...”
Before I can finish my thought Jordyn pinches my nose and shuts me up.
“Girl chill the hell out and breathe. All of these ‘what if’s’ are only gonna drive both you and me crazy. Just relax. There is no guarantee that you’ll meet your mate Saturday, but when you do he will love you and treat you like the goddess you are. If he doesn’t, he’ll have to deal with me and he won’t want that.” she says with a wink.
As one of the strongest warriors in the Opal Moon pack, Jordyn is a force to be reckoned with and we all know it.
“No, he definitely doesn’t want that” I say with a smile.
A little calmer I finally make it to the cafeteria and make a beeline to the snack machines. I select a pack of mini blueberry muffins and a bottle of orange juice.
Jordyn and I then head back to the main hall way before parting ways to go to our home room classes.
As I take my seat in Mrs. Mitchell’s class I tear into my breakfast.
I’m so consumed by the blueberry goodness that I don’t even notice Alexi sit next to me until he lets out a small laugh and says “Hungry?”
I immediately choke on a piece of muffin and have to chug some OJ before I clear my throat and reply,
“Oh, hey Alexi. Sorry, my mom and your BFF made me miss breakfast this morning so I’m a little hungry.”
I feel my face getting red as I look over and see the small grin tugging at the corners of his delicious lips.
Oh, if only I could lick those lips. I could do all kinds of dirty things...
I’m pulled out of my dirty girl fantasy when Victoria, Alexi’s flavor of the week, walks by and purposefully bumps into me.
Her sickly sweet perfume almost makes me gag and when she opens her mouth it sounds like the wailing of a dying banshee.
“Babyyy, why are you sitting back here with this nobody instead of up front with me?”
To make her point she crosses her arms under her badly stuffed bra pushing up her faux cleavage and gives Alexi her best pout.
I immediately roll my eyes and start to turn back towards the front of class before I catch a glance at Alexi.
He looks at her and I see a look of exasperation flash across his eyes before he hides it with one of his megawatt smiles.
“I’ll be right there Valerie, I just needed to talk to Alaia real quick”.
Her face drops when she realizes that Alexi just called her Valerie instead of Victoria, but before she can bring it up Alexi spins her around and gives her a small push towards the front of the class.
I let of a small chuckle before I can catch myself, which Victoria hears. She glares at me over her shoulder and give me her best sneer.
Oh, if looks could kill...
Alexi gets my attention again by saying “I heard about the party the Luna is throwing. Good luck finding your mate. I hope he’s everything you deserve.”
"You know me better than that Alexi, or at least you should. Finding a mate is Aaron's deal, its never been high on my priority list. I'll just be happy to not fall on my face in front of all the 'special guests' my parents have invited."
"Well whoever it turns out to be, he better make sure you are high on his priority list. Or he will have to deal with me."
With that he’s up and out of his chair heading towards a now smiling Victoria.
“What. The. Actual. what?”
This is the first conversation I’d ever had with Alexi and it left me more than a little confused.
For a moment I wonder if he actually does see me and likes me as much as I like him but then I see him and Victoria sucking face and quickly wipe that idea from my head.
“He was just being nice and nothing more” I say with myself.
Now if only I can convince myself of that.
Alaia POV
The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly, as does the rest of the week, and before I know it it’s Friday.
Yesterday was officially the last day of school and today we will have our commencement ceremony.
School is finally over and when I wake up I can’t help be do a happy dance.
I stand up in the middle of my bed and do a quick twerk, so giddy that I never have to go to school again.
Aaron barges in, sees me, then yells “Ah, my eyes! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
This scares the crap out of me and I fall off my bed with a loud “Oof”.
“Ugh, Aaron, why are you in my room?”
“Mom told me to come get you, unless you don’t the special graduation day breakfast she had made for us. I’ll gladly eat your share.” he says while turning around to leave.
“Touch my food and you die!” I scream before I run across the room and leap onto his back.
Aaron stumbles a bit but quickly regains his footing before he starts heading for the stairs laughing the whole way.
By this time I’m laughing as well, my embarrassing twerking episode quickly forgotten, or so I had thought.
As soon as we walk into the kitchen Aaron announces “Mom, Dad, I just found your little princess in her room ‘practicing’ her moves for her mate.”
I turn bright red and leap down. Aaron, dad, and a few pack members find my embarrassment hilarious while is evident by their raucous laughter that’s booming through the kitchen.
Mom on the other hand shoots dad a look that has him silent in seconds “Big bad alpha gets taken down a peg” I think to myself with a small smile.
She then walks over to Aaron and smacks him on the back of the head.
Before he can get out his “Owww” she asks “What have I told you about just walking in to your sister’s room? She’s a young lady, soon to be a woman, and she needs her privacy.”
Aaron simply replies “yes ma’am” before rubbing his head and sitting down at the table.
As usual, mom and dad sit at the head of the table, as the Luna is just as highly regarded as the Alpha, with Aaron to dad’s left and me at mom’s right.
Then the beta and his family, followed by the rest of the pack fill in the remaining seats.
Mom takes in the room then stands and clears her throat.
The entire room falls silent and I’m in awe of her grace, beauty, and power.
She looks around before saying “Good Morning Opal Moon pack.”
“Good Morning Luna.”
“Today is a special day” she continues “as is tomorrow. Today my beautiful children celebrate their graduation and tomorrow they celebrate their 18th birthdays. And we pray to the Goddess that they also find their mates. As both events are so close together, we will take tomorrow night to celebrate both milestones in true style!”
With this, an absolutely beautiful smile adorns her face and I can’t help but to return it.
My mother is such a beautiful person inside and out and I’m lucky to call her mine.
She continues by saying “Our amazing alpha has invited four of our neighboring packs to celebrate with us and each will be bringing a few guests of their own. We hope that this will help strengthen our alliances and maybe produce a mating or two.” She says with a wink shot at both Aaron and I.
“Alpha Xander Black of the Blue Moon pack, Alpha Elijah Roland of the Red Sky pack, Alpha Julien Grey of the Crystal Moon pack, and lastly Alpha Jackson Beck of the Crescent Moon pack will be in attendance and I want all Opal Moon pack members on their best behavior.”
“Yes Luna.”
“Great! Now please enjoy this amazing breakfast that’s been prepared in honor of the twins graduation, and get ready because soon it will be time to party!”
With this she lets out a small squeal and as much as I’m not looking forward to the party, her enthusiasm is infectious and I find myself feeling slightly less apprehensive about the whole thing.
Maybe this weekend won’t be so bad after all.
At that thought, loads of breakfast begins being carted out of the kitchen.
Cinnamon rolls, pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, fresh fruits, croissants, the list goes on and on.
My mouth immediately starts to water before Mrs Wilson, my favorite kitchen omega, sits a steaming overflowing plate of heaven right in front of me.
A sinful moan followed by a giggle slips past my lips which makes Mrs Wilson smile.
She’s always been like a grandmother to me and treats me like I’m one of her own.
She leans down and kisses the top of my head before saying “Congratulations on your graduation my sweet girl. I pray The Moon Goddess continues to bless you with her gifts.”
I mumble a heartfelt thanks through my mouth full of bacon which causes her to chuckle.
She turns to smile at my parents and Aaron before she makes her way away from the table and back into the kitchen with the rest of the staff.
The entire pack digs in and we all talk and laugh, simply enjoying the food and one another’s company.
When breakfast is done I head up to my room and start to get ready for commencement.
I hop in the shower and when I step out I walk into my bedroom only to be scared shitless by the sight of Jordyn sitting on my bed, texting on her phone.
“Ahhhh!” I scream, and since she wasn’t paying attention AT ALL, it causes her to immediately go into attack mode and hurl her phone right at my head.
Luckily I ducked just in time for it to miss me and sail over my shoulder before crashing into the wall behind me.
“What the joke?!” I yell at her.
She’s holding her chest trying to calm her breathing.
“Don’t scares me like that you !”
This makes me laugh and I reply “How is this my fault huh? You’re in my room sitting on my bed.”
I raise an eyebrow at her and she mumbles “Whatever.” before stomping around me and into the bathroom to pickup the pieces of her ruined phone.
“We were supposed to get dressed together for graduation remember? And you owe me a new phone” she states before heading out of the bathroom and throwing herself onto the bed.
“It was just getting good too...” she says, almost to herself.
“What was?” I ask her while I head into my closet in search of underwear.
Once I’ve got my bra and panties on I walk back into my room and sit at my vanity to apply my lotion.
“Well?” I say, waiting for an answer to be previous question.
I look up and see Jordyn starting to blush and instantly I squeal in delight. It has to be a boy.
“Ah! Who is it?” I say while jumping up and down.
“Shhhh, do you want to tell the whole pack or what?” She asks while trying to calm me down.
“Sit the hell down and I’ll tell you!”
I obediently sit but with my excitement, I can’t stop my knees from bouncing.
Jordyn sees this, give me a small eye roll then smiles.
“Ugh, fine! I think I found my mate last week bu...”
Hearing this I immediately jump up and wrap her in a tight hug.
“I’m so happy for you Jordyn! Who is he, if he from our pack, oh my god he hasn’t marked you yet has he because if he has I’ll..”
“Alaia! Only the goddess knows how I put up with you. Would you let me finish please?”
“Sorry” I say sheepishly.
“Anyway, as I was saying...I think I found my mate last week but I can’t be sure since he’s not 18 yet.”
My lips form an “O” and I finally realize what she’s saying.
Jordyn turned 18 last week which woke up her wolf. She expected to find her mate right away but when she didn’t, I didn’t think too much of it. But now hearing that she may or may not have found him it makes me feel a bit bad. She can feel the beginnings of the mate pull but at this point it’s not being reciprocated by him.
“Well when does he turn 18? Have you told him that you think he may be your mate?” I ask.
“His birthday is coming up soon so I don’t have too much longer to wait” she says with a small smile.
“And no, I have not told him. If he is my mate, I want him to just feel it and know. I don’t want to taint that experience for him” she adds.
“Well that makes perfect sense” I tell her.
“He better be amazing and treat you like the gift you are if he knows what’s good for him” I say with a smile.
We both laugh at that and start to get ourselves ready for graduation.
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1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
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Popularity | 999 | 999 | 999 |
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Related Ads | 1 | 1 | 1 |
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