How do Weight Loss Adverts Succeed?

How do Weight Loss Adverts Success?

How do Weight Loss Adverts Success?
How do Weight Loss Adverts Success?

Over the years, weight loss adverts have been in an endless stream on the market. There are various weight loss adverts on the market, some of them fall into the sea as soon as they are put into the market, while others have remained enthusiastic over the years. So how exactly do weight loss advertisements be placed to be successful? 

Here are 3 tips about weight loss adverts that marketers must know.

1.Adverts creatives

The prerequisite for a good advertisement is to do a good job in the product itself, and the creativeness of the advertisement is also very important. Weight loss adverts also have very strict requirements on advertising creativity. It is necessary to grasp the needs of users in order to be sufficiently attractive. We can start with the types of advertisements. On the homepage of SocialPeta, we can search for the keyword weight loss, and all similar advertisements will be displayed. We can also perform classified searches according to the types of advertisements, namely image, video, carousel, and HTML. To get their ideas.

Here I choose two weight loss adverts for a simple comparison, one is Reshape and the other is Weight Loss OrganicFit. The reason for choosing these two apps is that their display ads are almost the same. For the two cover pictures below, their video ads start with a four-square grid picture of a 21-day weight loss challenge.

Weight Loss OrganicFit
Weight Loss OrganicFit

The subsequent sequence is also very similar, it is a 21-day weight loss challenge fitness training. Both are templates that combine actions and schedules.

Weight Loss OrganicFit
Weight Loss OrganicFit

The obvious difference is in individual creative materials. Reshape is multiple actions, while Weight Loss OrangicFit reflects the importance of fitness through comparison.

Weight Loss OrganicFit
Weight Loss OrganicFit
Weight Loss OrganicFit
Weight Loss OrganicFit

There are a lot of similar materials in the creative materials of these two weight loss adverts, and most of them are video materials, and the size difference is not obvious.

From the data of the image, it can be concluded that most weight loss adverts are based on video types, and the effect of video is also the best, so we can use this information to choose to increase the material and delivery of video ads, and eCom’s advertising is based on images.

In addition, we can also refer to their ad copy. We can choose the type of advertising creative that suits us. Which kind of creativity can achieve better results, which kind of creativity is suitable for our products, and whether we can learn from their promotion ideas, these are all we can get from it.


From here we can get all the text related to weight loss adverts. In addition to the ranking by number, you can also rank by impression, but the list is not much different. From this, we can draw two conclusions. One is that the amount of delivery is directly proportional to the effect of delivery, and the other is that the amount of delivery and presentation of text with emoji in the text is relatively high.

Weight Loss OrganicFit
Weight Loss OrganicFit

Still choosing Reshape and Weight Loss OrganicFit for comparison, the general idea is almost the same.

From these data, we can find that text with emoji usually has a relatively high volume and display volume. And for weight loss adverts, the ad text should not be too long. It is difficult for a long copy to invest in direct proportion to revenue. Therefore, making good use of emoji and concise slogans is the current development trend of weight loss adverts.

We can see how long the same ad copy has been put on from these data, the quantity put on it, and how effective it is. You can also filter according to the type of copy, whether it is an exclamation sentence or a question sentence, or you can sort and filter according to the channel and language, depending on your needs.

2.Channel research

Compared with other ads, weight loss adverts are relatively easier to place. Because weight loss advertisements don’t have to think too much about the audience. The topic of weight loss has always been a topic of common concern all over the world. Both men, women, and children will have the same distress, so there is no need to pay special attention to the screening of the population. Therefore, the investigation of channels is extremely important.

There is no doubt that choosing a good channel can bring good advertising effects. Usually, online advertising is placed on major social media platforms, which is the simplest and the easiest way to acquire traffic. When I want to market weight loss adverts, I need to do a survey when choosing a channel to obtain the data of the relevant weight loss adverts on each platform and the data of the platform’s advertising and select the parts I need to make a selection.

Google Ads
Google Ads

Referring to the data in SocialPeta, analyze the Google ads of adverts. It can be seen from the figure below that the proportion of advertising types in Google Ads has been very stable, and the proportion of social-networking has always been the highest. In the distribution of countries, we can find that the data is consistent and very stable before 2020.8.7. Indonesia has always been the country with the largest volume. The subsequent data suddenly became confused, which means that a large number of advertisers have changed. Dynamics that advertising marketers need to pay attention to.


This time we chose Reshape and HealthifyMe to compare the two apps. We can find that Reshape’s main distribution channel is Facebook, and HealthifyMe’s main distribution channel is Google Ads. It can also be seen in these two figures that Reshape’s ad placement started in April 2020, which also shows that this is an App that went on the market earlier this year. HealthifyMe is an already mature App, and its release data has stabilized.


Of course, we can also compare other channels. Here I chose Facebook and Twitter. As can be seen from the figure below, Facebook’s advertising creative types are generally very stable, mainly shopping. The lifestyle type where weight loss adverts are located has a stable proportion of nearly 20%. The creative type of advertising on Twitter is relatively unstable, but it can be seen that the overall focus is on entertainment, followed by lifestyle, which accounts for about 30%.

So how do you choose the placement of weight loss adverts? From the data point of view, Twitter has the highest proportion of lifestyle ads among the current mainstream platforms, while Facebook and Google Ads have the largest advertising volume, so my personal recommendation is to put the same number of ads on these three channels at the same time. After the cycle, corresponding changes are made according to the delivery effect.

3.Competitive intelligence

The competitive intelligence system is a competitive intelligence work system that includes enterprise competitive intelligence awareness, communication concepts and norms, intelligence work system, intelligence work process, intelligence collection and processing tools, information processing environment and platform, and competitive intelligence basis. Because of its obvious competitiveness, enterprise competitive intelligence work requires more understanding, judgment, and foresight—competitive wisdom. 

Therefore, do not expect that the simple introduction of a computer network or a so-called competitive intelligence software system can bring anything. It needs the cooperation of people’s wisdom, quality, and skills, the guarantee of the organization system, and the effective operation of its corporate culture environment. It can be said that people with a strong sense of competition are the main force of the enterprise’s competitive intelligence system.

Weight loss adverts require competitive intelligence more than other advertisements. Because of the large number of such advertisements, they are easy to succeed and are easily eliminated by the market. Therefore, it is particularly important to obtain competitive intelligence in time to make corresponding strategies.


Yoga-go belongs to a relatively successful weight loss adverts case. Referring to the data in SocialPeta, we can see that before April 15th, 2020, Yoga-go’s advertisements are mainly video, and then a large number of them were removed. video creative. Through SocialPeta, you can integrate all the material data of Yoga-go, even including the histogram of the size of the advertisement, so that we can analyze competitive intelligence more intuitively.

You can also analyze the distribution channels of Yoga-go. Obviously, its main distribution channel is Facebook, and it has data from February 2020, indicating that it is a newly launched App this year. The analysis of channels is divided into three sections: delivery volume, impression volume, and proportion.

When we launch a new weight loss product, we can use this competitive intelligence to monitor the competitor’s advertisement in time to formulate our promotion plan. However, whether to choose the same promotion program as the competition is not for artificial intelligence to help us make decisions. Tools can help us understand market trends. As for how to make decisions, everyone will have different choices. Of course, the biggest advantage of using tools is to master more precise resources so that we can make more correct decisions. The above 3 methods are the simplest methods that can maximize our profits, make better decisions, and make weight loss adverts have a better delivery effect. 

Combining the 3 methods, my conclusion is: the placement of weight loss adverts should be good at monitor competitors’ ideas, learn from and compare competitors’ creative materials, and take the essence and eliminate the dross. In the selection of delivery channels, you can lay out the advertisements first, and make small modifications after the first cycle effects are obtained, so as to achieve better test results.

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